from now on you can find me at!!!

Doctor Who

Friday, May 29

for those of you who are visiting this site because of a flyer thanks and I hope you have a great time here
what stays in one corner and goes around the world
please post your answers



for all of you who are visiting my site because of the flyers thanks
we appreciate you dedicating your time to my awesome web page

what stays in one corner but goes around the world?
please post your answer

Well, I have I concert tonight i cannot wait! I play the clarinet in case you did not know.
I totally rock at it but sorry to say i am not the best playewr for your instrument

Tuesday, May 26

My mom and I were talking the other day about how people say MP3 player. Really it would be the same as saying music player three player. seriously. It is perfectly fine when you say CD player, Compact disk player

the other day we went to my grandmas It was really fun. My cousins boyfriend was totally buzzed.

Tuesday, May 19


Sorry i haven't posted in sooooooo long. i have been very busy. But the other day I was running a 200 at track and i felt something jab my arm. when I got ot the end turns out a bee stung me twice in the same spot ouch

gotta go

Tuesday, May 5

a couple days ago I was watching a movie Called Jumper, I just noticed that Kristen Stewart plays a small part in that movie.WOW. running out of time

Monday, May 4

My weekend

Yesterday my dad and I Flew kites at Oak park. I had to keep running back to my house to get string. at one point we started using fishing line to get the kite out farther. we got it so far that it cleared the Frandor shopping Center and Kroger easily. It took like 45 minutes just to reel back in we had sooo much fun

I had to clean my room this weekend. It totally sucked but now it is patially clean. Yay! I can go through my room without stepping on anything. I found all of My cd's under my bed

On friday I had a track meet we totally kicked otto's butts we went back to the school riding on a victory cheer. woop- wooop.
We beat them by a mile, even though the sixth graders arent allowed to run


P.s. GGRRRRRR monkey

Friday, May 1

Cool Programs

I'm in a challenge for walking now but is is soooooo sweet. anyway I was at Itec the other day. Itec is a afterschool program where you work with computers, but yesterday we had to work on our speeches it was very boring. Some people had to keep going over theirs like eighty times it was very fun to actually make the movie though. It is about remedial study hall. It is way fun. we get to tie up a teacher. it was sooo shizzles

over and out

P.S. Not HannahMontana/GOSH!

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