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Doctor Who

Monday, May 4

My weekend

Yesterday my dad and I Flew kites at Oak park. I had to keep running back to my house to get string. at one point we started using fishing line to get the kite out farther. we got it so far that it cleared the Frandor shopping Center and Kroger easily. It took like 45 minutes just to reel back in we had sooo much fun

I had to clean my room this weekend. It totally sucked but now it is patially clean. Yay! I can go through my room without stepping on anything. I found all of My cd's under my bed

On friday I had a track meet we totally kicked otto's butts we went back to the school riding on a victory cheer. woop- wooop.
We beat them by a mile, even though the sixth graders arent allowed to run


P.s. GGRRRRRR monkey

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