from now on you can find me at!!!

Doctor Who

Friday, December 4


The other day I was in 6th hour(which I will not say what class) and Josh was doing this thing where he put his hand up to his mouth tightened it into a fist, out his pinkie up and said girl. It sounded really weird then I said
"Well I bet you can't do a duck call" And Korn Kob Tamali was like "Git yo neck" and the funny thing is people kept saying that it the meaning of like :burn , blaze, deep fry.And in the way of"shut up fo I git yo neck"
Now that Korn Tamali said it at like the perfect timing Delaney and I cracked up l;aughing.Ahh good times

It really irritates me when people don 't post on a blog they made. I fopund a blog from2000 with no profile status or posts or even an actual name!!!! That really irritates me.


Tuesday, December 1

Just plain out gosh dang irritating

So yes I am doing a segment now once in every post telling you something that really grinds my eyeballs (bet you didn't see that coming)SO yes it is true-ish 
 and the name of this segment will be Irritating-me
and now for...
It irrotates me when I see more people running in the hall-way than in gym class *sigh*

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