from now on you can find me at!!!

Doctor Who

Friday, October 30


SO I carved my pimpkin today and it sort of looks like it is on something it was a lot of fun and on the other side i carved out the word TWILIGHT but screwed up big time on the H. It was a lot of fun and a REALLY BIG mess to clean up but SOO mucjh fun YAY according to mother I am no longer sick that is GREAT!!!!!!!!! I am going trick or treating with cassandra tomorrow I am going to be a die ya know like dice 

\over out & under

Thursday, October 29

Still sick

Sick well I have a few more cons to add to being sick like
For one If I am not well by tomorrow I can't gosee the half blood prince since I am sick today I can't go to the halloween party for band tomorrow. And themn If I am sick on saturday I can't go trick or treating with cassanadra

So this reallly sucks a lollipop

Over  out & Under

Wednesday, October 28

This was my 10th post  oh and we arte already on post number letsee 1234567891011121314151617181910........ so on and so fourth till we land at 90 thats
okay well the answer to the riddle of the day last time was a stamp DUH!
i love to write randoms
have you heard about the peekaru It is a snuggie that connects a mom to its baby It looks like she has two heads SERIOUSLY

I like twilight If you look closely some random girl shows up about 12 times, not to mentions when bella says "things were getting alittle weird" a guy in a black hoodie run behind her. HA
by the way i am going to get glasses It rocks they look soo cool

and incase you hadn't noticed there are a ot of other weird things like that that happened
Like when they are in the hospital after the whole mirror room thing the tv in the backround is playing the fire scene you know where alixce and them build a fire in the studio to burn james yeah thats playing 

over  out  &  under

HOT cocoa

SO yeah I had this big post in mind then my computer screwed up and now I can't remember it. so I'm just gonna wait til I remember........  well since I can't remeber I will write about how peoplpe in turkey have to wait until december  to see new moon. oh man do I feel really bad for those guys and I think the uk has to wait until nov.27. and you won't believe this people in GERMANY HAVE TO WAIT UNTIL .....HERE IT COMES.... !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! JANUARY 7 2010. OH yes I said it I know those release dates and ome do I feel bad for those guys (or should I say girls)

YAY FOR TWILIGHT! :) (and new moon and eclipse and breaking dawn) Check this out amanaplanacanalpanama

Foopets are fun pets. great for people who are allergic or can't have dogs or cats
Plus they are a lot of fun there is a chat bar so you can talk to friends which is theONLY reason I MIGHT use it because I have a dog and it requires money like EVERYTHING nowadays does:~{(


I bet I scared you just now
what is that you sayI did NOt scare you well you can just ... just... just... you know what just go away okay just go away

over  out & under

Tuesday, October 27


 Well you all know how people are totally freaking oput about the H1N1 well I was one of the few people in my class not making a really huge deal over it and guess what  I CAUGHT THE H1N1 FLU Is that Karma or what????

So this was me before the H1N1 ruined me

This is me now

Well here are the pros and cons of being sick

  1. you get the couch
  2. no hard chores
  3. don't have to deal w/ teachers
  4. chicken noodle soup
  5. extra computer time

  1. have to take medicine
  2. might miss lots of assignments
  3. more homework
  4. don't get to talk to your friends
  5. Due dates missed/ though might be excused
  6. gym, grade goes down
  7. none of ms. stachwick's UNBELIVEABLE stories (no seriously no one believes a word of it) 
So you tell me if you think it sounds better to stay home from school

Over  out & under

Tuesday, October 20

Sunday, October 18


OME My dog got abath yesterday cause she smelled real bad. then when she was done we dried her off then she ran to the chair and tried to dry her face off with the blanket ity was halairious she was paying so much attention to getting dry that she actually flipped out of the chair and landed upside dowmn i LAUGHED MY BUTT OFF!!

Sunday, October 11


holy cow sorry for not posting in like forever but I am mainly working on my piczo.SO I am back to posting all the time again but you do need to check out my piczo @  It is reaslly cool I have tons of things to do including to darkside like come to the dark side we have cookies. Well I havent been up to much
delaney and I are going to be in the school talent showAWESOMENESS we are doing the duck song !!!!!!1 she is the duck . I am the lemonade man I throw a cup at her at one point when I getmad enough. HA HA HA AH AHA AHA HA AH i am getting ready for my 100th post already we are at post # 81
Bye nozomi nakamura, HANAH ,hannah, twitch

Saturday, October 3

Sorry I havent posted in a while I have been busy doing absolutly nothing but if you want to see a really cool go to

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