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Doctor Who

Wednesday, October 28

SO yeah I had this big post in mind then my computer screwed up and now I can't remember it. so I'm just gonna wait til I remember........  well since I can't remeber I will write about how peoplpe in turkey have to wait until december  to see new moon. oh man do I feel really bad for those guys and I think the uk has to wait until nov.27. and you won't believe this people in GERMANY HAVE TO WAIT UNTIL .....HERE IT COMES.... !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! JANUARY 7 2010. OH yes I said it I know those release dates and ome do I feel bad for those guys (or should I say girls)

YAY FOR TWILIGHT! :) (and new moon and eclipse and breaking dawn) Check this out amanaplanacanalpanama

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Plus they are a lot of fun there is a chat bar so you can talk to friends which is theONLY reason I MIGHT use it because I have a dog and it requires money like EVERYTHING nowadays does:~{(


I bet I scared you just now
what is that you sayI did NOt scare you well you can just ... just... just... you know what just go away okay just go away

over  out & under

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