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Doctor Who

Tuesday, October 27


 Well you all know how people are totally freaking oput about the H1N1 well I was one of the few people in my class not making a really huge deal over it and guess what  I CAUGHT THE H1N1 FLU Is that Karma or what????

So this was me before the H1N1 ruined me

This is me now

Well here are the pros and cons of being sick

  1. you get the couch
  2. no hard chores
  3. don't have to deal w/ teachers
  4. chicken noodle soup
  5. extra computer time

  1. have to take medicine
  2. might miss lots of assignments
  3. more homework
  4. don't get to talk to your friends
  5. Due dates missed/ though might be excused
  6. gym, grade goes down
  7. none of ms. stachwick's UNBELIVEABLE stories (no seriously no one believes a word of it) 
So you tell me if you think it sounds better to stay home from school

Over  out & under

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