from yours truly Hannahbleh
from now on you can find me at!!!
Doctor Who
Sunday, February 28
Friendly freekends
Ok so man I had cassandra over to spend the night at my house aon saturday and stuff and then to day isi called and was a;ll I wanted to know if wanted to go sleddin with me and I was like me and J were just bouts to be going sledding cuse my bro wanted too to Isis came over and we went sledding and she is here right now still . :P
IOn Saturday< Cj and I made posters made a pact played out insruments and and played each others instruments bc we are learning each others instruments. Yay tis fun I can play one part in one song that we played in this one concert so yeah tis cool.
Yeahh annnnnnd D is well D. Bleh I tis bored guess wht my totally Stuffiness stuff I cant remember what I was about to say
IOn Saturday< Cj and I made posters made a pact played out insruments and and played each others instruments bc we are learning each others instruments. Yay tis fun I can play one part in one song that we played in this one concert so yeah tis cool.
Yeahh annnnnnd D is well D. Bleh I tis bored guess wht my totally Stuffiness stuff I cant remember what I was about to say
Friday, February 26
Wednesday, February 24
Okay so I was watching some of the older fiveawesomegirls videos when I came across this
I know what you're thinking oh well I guess whatever hes still gorgeous and awesome and such BUt!!!! she has a point edward has like no personality and if you start in the middle of the series like that you dont fall for him as bella does so you sloely but surely realize hes kind of a stalker / box
empty ahhhhh so sad = he is kinda a pedophile I mean he is really old
I know what you're thinking oh well I guess whatever hes still gorgeous and awesome and such BUt!!!! she has a point edward has like no personality and if you start in the middle of the series like that you dont fall for him as bella does so you sloely but surely realize hes kind of a stalker / box
empty ahhhhh so sad = he is kinda a pedophile I mean he is really old
Monday, February 22
attack of the bathroom stuff!!!!!
I just realized I have WAY tOO much bathroom and smell good stuff I mean lok at this
and here it is when I sorted them into groups by what they are:


Washes and scrubs

Here is when I sort by whats the same/goes together/ and what cam together

YEAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH about that I jammed it all into what used to be my shower bag
Sunday, February 21
Wow I just realized something. i have no BIG dreams to follow well I mean I do but they seem rather insignificant compared to She is sailing around the world by herself. shes sixteen. only about 3 or 4 years older than myself. WOW . but I've nothing big like that planned I spend my day in front of the computer. I mean I'm still making sucker people and blogging about nothing.Ahhh the sadness. I am writing books and making a movie if that counts but thats as BIG as I get. in fact you can go to to find where we are blogging about our movie making
Saturday, February 20
what to do when you're bored
so saturday morning ahhhh so bored and you know what you do when you 're bored
- make up songs
- jump rope
- do 100 sit ups
- eat
- look for loose change
- make cupcakes
- make cookies
- play with legos
- work on scripts
- blog
- write a book
- read a book
- make up jokes
- listen to music
- look up weird blogs
- google things
- make youtube videos
- make snuggie commercials
- laugh
- watch movies
P.S. I'm currently doing #10 :P
P.S. I'm currently doing #10 :P
Friday, February 19
Pre-Festival Concert
I had a concert today for MSBOA which stands for michigan state band , orchestra association I think I could be wrong and i probably am so don't count on me being right well everybody here has heard of taking MEAPS right????/ well what about a MEAP for band class? no? no band MEAP????? BUT GUESS AGAIN!!!!!! THERE IS AND YOU PROBABLY DIDN'T KNOW IT!!!!! all they did was give it some big long fancy name to make it seem all shiny and fun! and shhhhh this is a secret it IS ! MSBOA is al lot of WORK and yet I think it will ber fun so heres the deal:
- we get 3 pieces of music
- We practice that music for about 3 months
- we practice sight reading
- we have a pre-festival concert
- we practice our music some more
- we go to eastlansing or some other school school (last year our school hosted so we didn't have to go anywhere)
- we play there
- we rock or suck
- we get there at 6:00
- We warm up, tune, and go over the songs before 7:00
- @ 7:00 we play our music that we have
- then we sight-read
- after a judge(that was in the audience) comes and tells us all the things Mrs.Hicks had said and nobody ever listened too (FLUTES ITS A FRIGGIN E NATURAL!!!!)
- we get up and leave klnowing all the things we should have done that Mrs. Hicks had already told us to do
- Hint: this judge is an MSBOA judge
- we work real hard on the music &sight-reading
- We have a pre-festival concert
- we go to another school and play that stuff
- we sight-read and play music we've never seen before
- the judges figure out how well we played
- our "grades" are posted for thw WHOLE WORLD 2 see
- we go home crying or laughing at the people who laughed at us and then got 3s and 4s
P.S. Mrs. Hicks is the bomb
Hey I have over 2000 views I guess thats a good thing :) and don't forget to tell your friends about my site I also have another site called if you wouldl ike to visit there as well
Thursday, February 18
Hey someone is on my page that is from virgina I'm watching you JK nad someone from arkansas
So lets start with the basics :
I am odd i know
I am rather random I know
I talk a lot You must have realized
I am odd i know
I am rather random I know
I talk a lot You must have realized
WEll itec today was really boring Iswear i almost got up and left I dislike working on fruity loops but not being able to fo what we want and having to copy them GOD!!! its boring and to me pointless becauseI'm only in it for the actual filming and the editing. It's not like we have much to work with. But you don't have scripts, location scouting, props, or anything else. So its all set and we dont have many choices. BLEH!!!! I wish they would stop having us stomp i mean REALLY!!!!
Other than that today was okay
Hannah/ Nozomi my alter ego
Other than that today was okay
Hannah/ Nozomi my alter ego
Wednesday, February 17
\TOdaywas picture day and,.......WE GOT TO WEAR WHATEVER IN THE LORDS NAME WE WANTED TO!!!! my friend delaney started this thing where she tried to get like everyone to wear a hoodie I wore one!!!!!1 wat now I bet the teachers were all OH NO HOODIE REVOLUTION (which is what we called it) I also wore a Jack the Pumpkin king shirt (oh yeah you know it) and gray jeansd and you know those shoes that old people wear well I have a BRIGHT RED pair that I wore OH YEAH YOU WISH IYOU COULD BE THAT COOL!!! but I am so bringing them back even though they were never in !!! I saw a kid that ....WAS STILL IN UNIFORM (I wonder if he was confused) the lady kept on telling me to shove my chin toward her and my head in the other direction WTF i probably have a whacked up picture now :P
ITEC Itec is back for us again Mr grable won't be out person we have a substitute instead and we are going to the park MWA HAHA HA HAHAH AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA ha
I will try to post more often I knowe I post post but I would like to post MORE often and have tons of stuff on here so Here I go:
the other day I cleaned my room and it looks a lot better now Here are the berfore and after pictures (dude I'm so seriously hoping there isn't any stalkers on this page right now because they copuld like track down where Ilive and find my name oand allls orts of other important details)

Yeah I know its terrible
ITEC Itec is back for us again Mr grable won't be out person we have a substitute instead and we are going to the park MWA HAHA HA HAHAH AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA ha
I will try to post more often I knowe I post post but I would like to post MORE often and have tons of stuff on here so Here I go:
the other day I cleaned my room and it looks a lot better now Here are the berfore and after pictures (dude I'm so seriously hoping there isn't any stalkers on this page right now because they copuld like track down where Ilive and find my name oand allls orts of other important details)

Thursday, February 11
Okay all done!
Well I am officially a bigger fan of harry potter than I am of twilight. Tis true I am so busy nowadays. I am going to write a parody to a song and make it harry potter ohhh What now. umm I am back in ityec. which is that awesomly cool thing where you make movies with your friends! :P
Wednesday, February 10
Just wrong
Ok there are MANY things wrong with this picture.#1 the obvious reason What are they doing! #2 look at the back of his shirt. that explains what he's doing od..
#3 you're is the wrong one so it readsi"m gonna lick you are ear Hmph.
Well yeah just wrong
Wounds and Injuries
Other suckers were born as normal as can get for a sucker but then got cought up in a war
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