from now on you can find me at!!!

Doctor Who

Thursday, July 30

Monday, July 27


Well nothing to do as you may have seen I moved just about everything to the bottom. I have officially started POLLS MANIA!! answer different polls all the tim tons of new ones everyday!!

Nothing going on here except me skating like everyother hour

for those of you who have recieved teddy messages I assure you he won't get you because. . .


he tried to get me. I didn't forward something 10 times (couldn't) so he hcame after me i jiklled him simple as that yay

see ya HANAH- the indestructable teddy killer

Wednesday, July 22


i went to the park with some friends today it was awesome we ran up this HUGENORMOUS HILL. then rolled back down it now my arms are covered in red dots and my head feeels weird. I got a BIG scrape on my ankle. Then Chelsea andI ran up the hill and raced back down it. When she and I raced I fell the angle was like this l I know almost straight down and I was running at full speed but get this I didn't fall until the hill stopped yeah that s right I fell on the flat ground and not the hill go ahead and laugh NO seriously laugh cause I couldn't stop. afterI landed I cracked up so hard I could barely breath I have NEVER laughed that hard, well except when delaney hit me in the stomach with a shower gel. HA that was funny. I had an awesome time then me and chelsea went to the park part and sat on the tube thingy I t was fun we saw some pretty well... er how do I say...... weird stuff. I t was funn though. my foot hurt s well I am bored now and got nothing better to do than talk to you. and since there aren't many of you who even bother to read this whole tyhing please spread the word to anyone you can.


the way I see it there are10 types of people in the world , the ones that read binary and the ones that don't

and this one

You're pretty . . . in theory

I have a dream and in it something eats you

Please put all questions in the form of compliments


got to go or I will be botted off my computer THAT SMELLS 
HANAH (ha-nah) like hannnah but say ha instead

THE GOBLET OF FIRE IS THE BEST harry potter book
yeah dellany (dell- ain-e)I went there

Sunday, July 19


So I was just on you tube and I saw a few videos hereis what I watched

1 officials trailer that was not by a fan (REALLY AWESOME)
1 fanmade new moon trailer (almost a s cool as the real one)
&1 freak that was way weird and said that he was going to wear glitter on his face for every sunny day until the new moon premier, oh right that was EM JUST KIDDING NO but he was really weird and a had a pink mohawk FREAK FREAK FREAK

OME WHat the foje and for the people that think the know what foje means (other than the ones like delaney WOH definitly do ) YOU DO NOT KNOW WHAT FOJE MEANS SO DON'T GO JUMPING TO CONCLUSIONS LIKE MILO!!!


Thursday, July 16


i went fishing with my dad down at some park today we didn't catch anything but it was really fun. I skated while I was there.

I finished the fourth harry potter YAY

I have nothing better to do so I will do this:
I seriously have nothing better to do......
Nothing better than gummy bear cannibalism
(yes I have spent about an hour looking for cannibal gummy baers before)

Wednesday, July 15


So i am on the fourth book. Almost done. I am on chapter 35 out of 37 chapters each chapter is around thirty pages or so long. it is easily the best one so far. (sorry Delaney) I think it is soo cool about the whole triwizard thingy. i can't wait till I start the next one, well yeah ican causeI really did not like the movie.

i have not been up to much. Burt NEVER got to you tube and type in fred IT IS THE MOST STUPID VIDEOS EVER!!!! i REPEAT do not do that EVER INCLUDING:
fred goes to you tube live
fred breaks into judys party
fred goes swimming
fred loses his meds fred goes to the park
fred gets babysat
fred on halloween or
any other FREDvideos


P.S. i have just founded outed thated ied amed aed weirded personed

Monday, July 13


I have been reading the HP seiries for the last weeek or so as some of you may know. today
i have finished the third book and moved onto the fourth. i LOVED the third book. it is WAY better than the movie!!! I can't wait till I get up to the part in the fourth book where they start the challenges!!

i wasa listening to the radio a few days ago and I heard like nine songs that I heard when I was about eight. I LOVED all of them but they didn't even say the names of the songs so I went to, I typed in three doors down so I could listen to kryptonite. I was flipping through all of the other songs. I started clicking on some of them to listen and Oh-My-goulash
they were most of the songs on the radio here is all the songsI am talking about: the reason -this is the story of the girl - here without you

and those are just SOMe of them


Sunday, July 12

Sleepy Hollow

so I went to sleepy Hollow today my parents andI walked the trails there we got in a least five miles it was funi had a good time. not surprisingly my feet feel fine and not sore AT ALL!! I have been up to nothing in particulaer today

well at the beginning of the summer I decided that I wanted to do something. Something big enough I could write about it. (no walking is not very interesting) so I decided about a weeek ago to start reading the harry potter seiries. I have already finished the first two. thye were really good!!!!!! even if you do not like the movies you should read the book. I am on chapter 4 of the third on
here are all the books ther is a smiley next to the onei am on
socerers stone
chamber of secrets
prisoner of azkaban :)
goblet of fire
order of the phoenix
half blood prince
deathly hallows
as you can seeI have a lot of reading to go. after the book I am on now they are all about 700 pages long OME. wish me luck!!!!

HANAH-OH yeaah delaney I signed in you r color
p.s I feel bad ooohhhh

Friday, July 10

nothing much

soo i have been pretty bored and that is all I have to write really

Tuesday, July 7

i was surprised the other day whenI actuall typed in and it IS a real blog. there are tons of people out there with funny blog addresses (did not spell that right. just type in a random word then and GO!

Monday, July 6

Flyin fourth

My independence day was awesome on the third we went to my grandmas to celebrate because my uncle had to work on the actual independence day.They had a LOT of food. I had chicken and stuff.IT was really for fireworks, We were lighting little things like roman candles and such at first but then we stoppped for a little while. Then after about seven minutes we started to light off morters.for those of you who dobn't know what a morter is it is like the fireworks they light of that shoot up then blow up normally over a bridge of off the rocks at lake michigan. We lit off maybe six then we ran into a littlwe bit of trouble. But I am telling y7ou now the fireworks my Uncle got WERE bought in Michigan. Then the Police came. it went a little bit like this

police "I hate to be the barer of bad news but.."
mumbele mumble can't hear what they were saying,
POLICE " yeah those are definitly illegal"
MY UNCLE " Yeah we actually bought these here in michigan. yeah in monroe MIchigan actually"
MY UNCLe"yeah"
more inaudiable such and do such stuff

Then my uncle came up and told us thast the police said just that ALL the neighbors were complaining and the police just told us to go across the street to the big hill and we can light off as many as we want

that was actually kinda funny. but we didn't go over to the hill because it was 10:30 after about another half hour of talking and yummy drumsticks we left. I playedon MY computer for a while then hit the hay and as for my actual fourth, I am warning do not read this unless you have time to, it was


We went ot my dads friends (ART) camp site camper place. art had a daughter named sara we hung oiut whenever I went camping with them. sara andI walked down to a party store we got ballons chalka nd a mini flag to put in her dogs collar. then we filled up a bunch of the ballons with water. we put them in a bucket and werelike we should get MORE. But then my mom got back from hiking and I walked with her back down to the party store. We got fireworks. then sara and I went Back down there to get more balloons we filled those up too. then we went to the beach thebn we went and had a water ballooon fight sorry to cut it short butI have limited time ion my computer sandui can't type any faster than this. Bey


Friday, July 3

yaY yM 53 tsop----Yay My 35 post

Yay ness my 35th post. thank you to all the persons that read my stories and strangley odd posts!!! i am happi right now IDCY butI am I feel good. Hey delaney I love ur playlist on your blog especially the first song.

for those of you who actualll y listen to my playlist youmay have realized that it has changed by quite a few songs I reccomend to bottom 2 songs. They rule!!!!!!

here we go again i said that the daily Riddle was done butI have a good one and no the answer is not the US Government
it tells you when to live it tells you when to die a cruel unwritten law what am I?
thats all for my 35 post

Wednesday, July 1


Chao Maker
GO HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


as you knowI have been doing tons of quizes here are even more results to tell you things about me thatI didn't even know:

Not an Idiot Congratulations, you are not an idiot. You passed the test, which means you're smarter than most of the people who come to this site. Give yourself a great big pat on the back. Then, go find someone who IS an idiot, and make fun of them.
ha ha I guess they are right

Stewie Griffin You are Stewie Griffin! You're an evil genius with a strong desire to, shall we say, 'eliminate' certain people, including your mother Lois. You are intelligent, calculating and bossy, yet still possess a childish manner. You love your teddy bear Rupert, are fascinated by Teletubbies and enjoy making fun of your father Peter. World domination could be yours... so go for it!
I WeLl COnQueR

Mr. Search-bar

OnePlusYou Quizzes and Widgets

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