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Doctor Who

Sunday, July 12

Sleepy Hollow

so I went to sleepy Hollow today my parents andI walked the trails there we got in a least five miles it was funi had a good time. not surprisingly my feet feel fine and not sore AT ALL!! I have been up to nothing in particulaer today

well at the beginning of the summer I decided that I wanted to do something. Something big enough I could write about it. (no walking is not very interesting) so I decided about a weeek ago to start reading the harry potter seiries. I have already finished the first two. thye were really good!!!!!! even if you do not like the movies you should read the book. I am on chapter 4 of the third on
here are all the books ther is a smiley next to the onei am on
socerers stone
chamber of secrets
prisoner of azkaban :)
goblet of fire
order of the phoenix
half blood prince
deathly hallows
as you can seeI have a lot of reading to go. after the book I am on now they are all about 700 pages long OME. wish me luck!!!!

HANAH-OH yeaah delaney I signed in you r color
p.s I feel bad ooohhhh

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