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Doctor Who

Wednesday, November 11


So we was all up in math class afternoon today (I'm talking like an original ganster in case you aint notice). And so I did something to this chick. we be calling her jellie for now. and then she was like with this face so I totally did something. then she was all make odd faces and she stuck her fingers in her mouth and like she decided she was gonna wip eit on me.  And i was all like oh no you didn't i was shocked that I said AND QUOTED "Uwwwww Jellie licked me" we me was no expectin that the entire classw ould get all silent and stuff like that at that exact moment so we all like paused for almost ahalf second. then all me and my homies started laughing so hard EVEN JELLIE did. themn jellie was all up in my grill like why did ou say I didn't even like you homie" (not exact quote this quote has been gangsterfied) We weas still all laughing a stoof so like whole bunch people ask started if Jellie licked me really


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