Extremely High - Excessive Energy, Spastic
LET's try again
Your caffeine level for today is:
Insanely High - A vibrating crackhead
a few more times
Man des my finger hurt
this time I will only click it once
I wonder what would happen if I had a monster and did this. I will save my money till I have enough for a monster then I will do it YES i will. I promise.
So I am not up to much but there is soo much happening on 20th like here go
- my brothers birthday
- new moon
- talent show
- sliver bells
- that one move=ie about the blind person
wellI guess it isdn't that much when you put it like that but stll it feels like a lot
blah blah blah blah blah nothing to write about about about nope nopity nopity no
Bye i wil post agaoni latr if I have nothing better to do
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