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Doctor Who

Sunday, November 15

Your caffeine level for today is:
Extremely High - Excessive Energy, Spastic
LET's try again
Your caffeine level for today is:
Insanely High - A vibrating crackhead
a few more times
The Caffeine Click Test - How Caffeinated Are You?
Man des my finger hurt
this time I will only click it once

I wonder what would happen if I had a monster and did this. I will save my money till I have enough for a monster then I will do it YES i will. I promise.
So I am not up to much but there is soo much happening on 20th like here go

  1. my brothers birthday 
  2. new moon
  3. talent show
  4. sliver bells
  5. that one move=ie about the blind person
wellI guess it isdn't that much when you put it like that but stll it feels like a lot

blah blah blah blah blah nothing to write about about about nope nopity nopity no
Bye i wil post agaoni latr if I have nothing better to do

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