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Doctor Who

Saturday, January 8

* Headdesk*

For those of you who do not know what a head desk is watch this video >

Then I watched this video here

So I had sent these videos to delaney and all day we had been headdesk practicing without actually headdesking and then in Science class we actually headdesked and man that stuff really hurts

And then this one I saw when I got home

Also in science class we were doing the jeopardy like sorta thing and then near the end it boys against girls and , of course, Kirsten was our representative. then like a question after the boys lost a question about quarks comes up. If you don't know what a qurak is here you go > but it came up and the answers were bery simple. and I was all in my head " OMFG I KNOW THIS , THANK YOU HANK!"  and I actually said " KIRSTEN I KNOW THE ANSWER" and then she was all *look of very big surprise" and I ran up to her and told her the answer and the teacher asked me how I knew the answer and I just smiled. Thats right I'm the one kid in our class that knows stuff about Quarks  *points to self * NERD!

Then in fourth period we were doing "remember whens" where we say remember when ____INSERT FUNNY STORY HERE___ . Im ending that there because otherwise i will go off on an evil tamngent-y-thing

PS. when someone insults you, or something you said, stare at them with a blank look ~ it makes them, and anyone else you're with, realize how rude that was.

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