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Doctor Who

Monday, January 10

Interviews: Kristina Horner

Q :What are the different careers you have ever considered?
A: When I was little I wanted to be an author, a teacher, or a rockstar. Haha. When I got a little older I really wanted to be a flight attendent to travel the world. Then I considered journalist, or TV show announcer/host. Now I'm sort of going back and forth on social media guru, professional musician, and social activism figurehead. I think I can do all three of those, honestly, since that's kind of what I am doing now.

Q:What types of music do you like? why?
A: I love all types of music, but my favorites for singing/dancing alone in my room while I fold laundry are dance music or pretty alternative guitar/vocalist singer/songwriter stuff.

hope you enjoyed : )

Q:Where do you see yourself in 5 more years?
A: I see myself hopefully doing the same types of things I am doing now, but hopefully 5 years more successful at it. Haha. In 5 years I also see myself probably married and sharing my crazy adventures with someone I am absolutely crazy about.

Q: Are you better with Number & math, or English & books
A: English and books for sure. I'm a writer through and through.

Q:what is your favorite thing to do in your spare time?
A: I am blessed to have my hobbies AS my job, so I love writing and making videos and making music. But if we're going to be serious here, I also LOVE watching TV. I love watching the DVDs of entire shows with my roommates in our free time.

Q:Who's your favorite writer?/ favorite musician?
A: That's hard to say. So many people have so much influence on me. JK Rowling, Suzanne Collins, John Greem and Chuck Palahnuik for writers. Eisley, Sondre Lerche,Regina Spektor and the Format for musicians.

Q:Can you solve a Rubik's cube? ( without a cheat sheet )
A: Nope. xD

Q: If there was one thing you could tell a younger you , what would it be?
A: Don't worry so much about boys, you're going to be awesome and independent and do a lot of great things and boys only get in the way.

Q:One bad habit you have failed to break?
A: Hmmm. Procrastination.

Q: One thing about yourself you wish to share
A: My biggest regret in life is not continuing learning to ride the unicycle. How cool would that be. I was awesome at it when I was 10 but I probably would suck if I tried again now.


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