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Doctor Who

Monday, January 3

I am a Swearbox

Today when I got to school at like the same exact time as Delaneyu I gave her the little thing that I  made for her. and we joked around in front of the building for a while it was good fun. then I went in the band door and Delaney went in the regular doors.

1st hour
French was pretty much a free period, we were learning seasons ~ which I already knew. Boring.  : (

2nd Hour
we got a new piece for MSBOA called babarossa. I love it. It sounds really cool and apparently its about the german invasion thing with hHitler. I'm not entirely sure. It sounds awesome and we were joking abd laughing at how the trumpet and first clarinet part are all like sneaking downstairs to steal some icecream and then the bass is all  MOM COMING DOWN THE STAIRS RAWR. It was really funny. Plus even cooler , I get to play first part because now we're doing rotational seats : ) Which is AWESOME! ...ish

We Laughed and joked, delaney look through her notebook and we laughed at vans flying through the window. the usual Stuff. Us talking about how my two NY resolutions were to punch people less and swear less... at school.Also we discussed this page I made her in the notebook I made her that was a thing about oatmeal cream pies from looking for alaska. where takumi drops an Oatmeal cream pire on PUdge's book and then he responds with "very nutritious" and then Takumi's all ~ You'ev got your oats,you've got your meal you've got your cream, Irs a fucking food pyramid" We laughed about that for a while

3rd Hour ( let me just say this is where the strange stuff ALWAYS happens)
So Mr. J is up there at the front of the room talking our ears off like always. I'm trying to look attentive even though all I really want to do is write, which you would think , is somehting we might do in english class every once on a while. But no. So I'm all like half tuned out. when out of nowhere I hear him say something along the lines of  " or maybe one about not swearing" Immediatly Brianna, Cassandra, Delaney, Possibly Alexis, Isis, and maybe 3 other turned and looked at me. Of course being Mr. Johnson He's still talking and then he calls the same people that he was talking about before  a?)  " Swearbox" But I didn't hear him all that clear because me and like ten other peple were laughing our butts off so cassandra and I both thought he called me.a Swearbot. But I was laughing so hard I couldn't barely breathe at all. Then later He was standing at the back of the room. We had gotten really loud and then he would yell at us then we'd get quiet for a little while and slowly work our way back up to full volume and then get yell... well you get the piont so there were a few of us actually paying attention to him and those that were heard him say in the most halairiously serious way possible " - got the attention soan of a housefly-" About eleven of us laughed ...hes still serious waiting for Josh and the Ignorants to be quiet. Then " -and thats not very long-"  he says. and we start laughing all over again. Which was epic.

5th Hour (Because Fourth Hour was lame)
We were just sitting doinf some review for the ENI test tomoorow when I hear " UGGGHhh WHATS ALL OVER YOUR PANTS" come from like samaria or someone.and tony says ` Oatmeal cream.. No pie He just said OAtmeal cream and from acrossed the room delaney both leaned back in our chairs ooked at easch other and cracked up laughing and novody could understand why.

ahhh today was a good one

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