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Doctor Who

Sunday, January 2

New Year Eve/ day

30 things in the last 30 minutes of 2010 and the first minute of 2011> How did I spend it ? One  minute at a time.

30. Playing piano
29. Doing Math
28. Drawing
27. Watching TV
26. Writing
25. YoYo-ing
24. Cube-ing
23. Solving a toy Maze
22. 20Q
21. Writing Poetry
19. Reading The Road Not Traveled
18. Staring at the ceiling
17. Eating Candy
15. Wearing all my Hats
14. Fixing things
13. Singing (and badly if I might add)
12. Counting
11. Wearing Lots of glasses
10. Thinking
 9. Cleaning
 8. Making DFTBA acronyms
 7. reading old notebooks
 6. Playing clarinet
 5 dancing
 4 Asking why
Remembering Esther
1.Listening to ♪ Joke ♪ and doing my Happy Dance.

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