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Monday, September 7

52 ways to annoy your teachers

I forgot what i was going to write It was something about the movie dodgeball. I can't remember so I am writing until I do well nothing much going on except that it is the first day of school tomorrow. oh yeah and I was going to write this for all of you who went to pattengill have you ever bnoticed that in the movie dodgball near the end when peter shows up late there are three judges and the only one who says they shouldn't play is one named "Mrs. Lewis". ha Ollivander and dodgeball come together and make Mrs. Lewis oh that was kinda mean.

But here is somethingI have actually been waiting to do until today so here we go 

52 ways to annoy your teachers

  1. only raise your hand to sharpen a pencil
  2. go to the bathroom three times a day (make sure they are right in the middle of a lesson)
  3. when you know the answer bounce up and down a go " OOOHH I KNOW THIS"
  4. when a teacher calls on you say " I forgot"
  5. lean back in  your chair
  6. take off your shoes
  7. repeatedly tap your pencil until your teacher asks you to stop then...
  8. start tapping your fingers
  9. see how high you can bounce your erasers
  10. see how many earasers you can bounce at once
  11. "accidentally" drop your books
  12. hum, get all your friends to join
  13. stomp twice then clap, get everyone to join in
  14. cough repeatedly
  15. when you write make it really tiny 
  16. pass a note all the way around the room
  17. throw a piece of paper at someone
  18. only copy off the board while the teacher is talking
  19. rush through your work and when you are done say " I'm bored"
  20. Sing the barbie girl song
  21. call everyone by a code name and use them with your teacher
  22. chew paper 
  23. play with scissors
  24. throw crayons in the air
  25. shoot baskets 
  26. when the teacher shows up with a surprise test say "I've known about it for weeks" 
  27. clean your glasses over, and over and over
  28. Ask why 
  29. every time the teacher syas he say "He who"
  30. play with your hair
  31. put marker inm your hair
  32. put stickers on your face
  33. when its your turn to read say " No Thank you"
  34. when you read skip a line or two 
  35. when you read talk REALLy loud and REALLy fast
  36. while she writes on the board tell them to move so you can copy it
  37. stand up in your chair for no reason
  38. ask if we have tomorrow off every single day
  39. say you will put up the chairs and only put up two
  40. draw on your hands
  41. write notes in a language they don't know
  42. look real secretive while you copy off the board 
  43. burp in the middle of class
  44. make a high PEEP noise so they won't know who it came from
  45. wear TONS of bracelets
  46. chew gum then hide it when she says you have gum
  47. when she/ he says spit it out only spit out half of it
  48. wear a collared shirt with one side of the collar up
  49. tape things like kick me to your own back 
  50. when the teacher asks who did it tell her you put it there
  51. put a REALLY long piece of tape sticky side up on the floor
  52. every time she isn't looking at you have a slap war with the person sitting next to you
and yes I did do just about all of these. my favorite is the last one beacause i did it just last year yep in sixth grade. It was at pattengi. my fifth hour andI did it with mariah ( one of my friends) we went to sixth hour with red scratched up arms 



  1. I love these kinds of lists! I hope you get a ton of views... I have a blog of my own ( and it doesn't get much.

  2. Thank You! I hate school! this is really helpful! :D

  3. OMG i love this except i hate school =)

  4. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! OMG I HAVE TO DO ALL THESE! And I HATE school too yumyumangel.

  5. LOL this is hilarious apart from we probs wouldn't get away with all this...
    I love our class tho cause whenever we do something we all join in :D

  6. i'll never trust another thing u say to me! i got put on the wall THREE TIMES!


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