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Doctor Who

Wednesday, September 16

My Moron dog

Well my dog followed me to bed lat night and when I turned out he light my dog walked over to my window and sat. she stared out the window until I turned the light back on. Then I turned it back off and she walked back to the window.After that when she turned around she started to growled at her shadow. my dog is so WEIRD

and check out what delaney just showed me

Edward (Twilight)

Dear Diary,

I’m having second thoughts about this whole “going to high school” thing. Carlisle says it helps us blend in longer, but does it? Really? I mean, if we just lived in the woods, and made sure our fake IDs said we were 18, wouldn’t that be better than making sure every kid in town knows us, and getting our pictures taken and published in book form once a year? Also, the homework is starting to get really annoying. I mean, I have to write a paper on Miles Davis, and I can’t even mention that we hung out that one time. This bites. Oh, well, guess I’m gonna go break into that new girl’s bedroom and watch her sleep.

HANAH nozomi Nakamura

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