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Doctor Who

Friday, September 11

Sorry Delaney but here you go

so my teacher Mr. Erspamer likes to burn kids (no not light them on fire SICKO!). well he has this 5 second rule where if you are gonna burn him (God SICKO stop laughing) you have to do it within 5 seconds after he burns you.( SICKO SHUT IT) well no one seems to be able to get a good burn on him (GOD you know what SICKO!! this is NOT funny) so I have a challenge I want to see who can come up with a better come back       ( HA see SICKO I used come back rather than burn . Crap , you know what just STOP already). heres one starter from my friendy person alexis : geesh Mr. Erspamer at leastI don't blind people with my bald spot. Ha alexis that was a good one I can't think of any so if you do go ahead and post them and remember to title it BURN Mr. Erspamer ( NO YOU FREAKING SICKO I DO NOT WANT TO LITE MY TEACHER ON FIRE well maybe a little NO NOT REALLY BUT GOSH!!!) 

Mr. erspamer has to use one of of these  a

and one of these

and one of these

ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha I 'm funny HANAH

sorry about the several posts butI have a bunch of diff topics today

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