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Doctor Who

Tuesday, September 15


well, today I had a lot goingon.
first of all delaney has her physical (read all about it on her blog  sao now I am like the only person not on the C.c team and that sucks  then she also had a shot and I slapped her numb arm and she was like AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH then i was like HA HA because i don't mind getting shots. 

2nd we had a test in math and I swearI could have not done ANY worse

3rd my first hopur was getting their lockers but it turns out I didn't get one then I had to follow around one of the security officers to get one. Luckily I missed half of gym (or so I thought)

4th  by the timeI got to gym they hadn't even started the activity for the day and I had to play baskeball I just kinda walked aroind the court.

5th I had a great time at home casue I put on fake nails with a ten year old and a seven year old who will go unnamed and if my typing is jacked up that s why (cause I'm wearing them still)

well I got to go or else I won't get to actually post this becasuweI get booted off at exactly nine BUEYE!!!!!!!!!!

HANAH nozomi Nakamura

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