from now on you can find me at!!!

Doctor Who

Saturday, January 30

SuckerPeople4-1.jpg picture by monkeyface122in a whole other world there were  DUH DUH DUH sucker people !!! they lived in a mountain of candy with a hollowed out inside .Older suckers were very grouchy and almost always were big smokers:( thats not very healthy for a sucker. colors would start to fade as they got older. and thier flavors would change. Depending on their mood the sucker would change his/her flavor. if feeling mad it would be cherry or cinnamon. embarrassed bubblegum and happy any assortments of flavors.
Some liked to pretend to be the queen although there was no actyual king, princess, or queen to mountain  lick a lot. The sucker people were endangered after a few years of being discovered by leprechauns. those little guys aren't naturally that giddy. Then they had found mountain lick a lot where they lived.

Most suckers weren't bitter or spiteful but you did the occasional vomit or booger flavored sucker. Once they had come acrossed a potato flavored one, that wasn't very pleasant to witness.


Book #3

i'm on book #3 here is my list so far

  1. who ran my underwear up the flagpole
  2. griffin's castle
  • I'm working on Artemis Fowl
I'm bout to go see the Lovely bones with my bestest bud!!!!!!
I heard it was good from another friend

I tis bored 
I am beginning to start a section called a sucker people but I cannot for the life of me find my camera so when I do I will upload my pics

Thursday, January 28


srry bout that
i am now doing 103 books which in artound nine books a month not that much right??? well it seems lkike a lot more when you have TONS!!!! of stuff going on.

Tuesday, January 26

I am posting !!! about books

SO I am going to start a list of book sexcatly what books I read this year!!!! I have to get 75 books in  by the end of the year!! so help me out and recommend some REALLy good books.!!!!
Hannah the book worm

Monday, January 25

Who knew???

Who knew that math class could be fun??? In math today Me and my friend D were being funny accidentally. First we were talking about dreams and stuff and how sometimes you just wake up crying and stuff like that then I hadn't realized that the enitire class(that was talking REALLY!!!! loudly) had one of those quiet moments so I kept talking. So I was looking at my work and I said "do ever have those nights when you just don't dream" everyone,including myself, cracked up laughing the whole class heard. !!!!! :) then later all around mt eyes itched and I rubbed them so they watered up . Then i used 1 finger to rub the corner of my eye and out of nowhere"I LOST AN EYELASH" I said it out of surprise for a split second i hadn't even realized how loudly I said it. At least 2/3 of the class heard that one. and last but definitly not least = we all know it is the beginning of the semester so we are destined to get new seats. well I had to sit next to this guy named Ben (I HATE THIS DUDE) and alexis or someone told me and I was all WHAT!!!!! apparently I sounded like RPattz in one of his interviews it was HA LAIR E OUS

Saturday, January 23

Help for HAiti

did anybody see the special last night for Haiti. Some of the singing was outrageous.
they had cheryl crow, Kid Rock, and Keith urban in a group.I mean really you guys really??? they had Justin Timberlake and some other dude. Bono,rhianna, and Jay-Z, they I swear they were desperate or something!
then thank got they had Neil young and Dave Mathews. Man it was funny though listening to bono and jay-z songong at the same time man was that hilarious


Thursday, January 21

100 ways to irritate your teacher

i wrote over a hundred hey look eighty two are under this post!!!!!

#0 MORE way to irritate your teacher

            I am moving to a new blog address. : ) YAY. You can find me @ < if that doesn't work you can email me at : ) thank you : )                   
30 Ways  To Annoy your Teachers

1. Walk into the classroom like a super spy. (keep your back on the walls as you walk, point your finger up like a gun, look around with shifty eyes, hum the mission impossible theme, etc.)

2. After everything your teacher says, ask why.

3. If your teacher is yelling at a classmate, wait for them to finish their tantrum then ask” DOES SOMEBODY NEED A HUG?????”  very loudly.

4. If your teacher starts blowing up at you for saying that simply reply “Wow, I can tell you’re a blast at parties”

5. Dress up like L (Death Note) and walk in with no shoes.

6. If your teacher asks “why aren’t you wearing shoes” you reply by standing on the table, pointing at him/her and yelling “YOUR KIRA!!!!!!!!!!!”.

7. (Back to normal clothes) Sit in a corner and wait for everyone to stare at you. When they do, grab your head and scream “ THE LIGHT! MAKE IT STOP! ARGH IT BURNS!!!!”

8. Flick pieces of paper around the class.

9. When your teacher tells you to stop, cross your arms and say “your racist against paper aren’t you.”

10.Don’t do your Homework.

11. When your teacher asks you why you didn’t do your homework say “I dropped it while beating up this guy for saying you’re the worst teacher ever.” then smile and sit.

12. When you have a sub, wait for them to write their name on the board. Then when they say hello my name it Mr./Mrs (insert name here), you stand up and say “PROVE IT!”

13.During a test, raise your hand and wait for your teacher to walk over to you. Then when they whisper, “what do you need help on?” you smirk and whisper “I know what you did last summer” XD (A/n: gets them every time!!!!)

14. Wear your Sasuke costume to school.

15.When he/she stares at you, say “I know what your thinking, but this symbol on my back does not mean I’m a pokemon,”

16. 5 minutes after saying that throw a poke ball at your teachers head and scream “ GOTTA CATCH THEM ALL!!!!!!!”

16. Accuse him/her of being Itachi Uchiha. Then give them a paranoid, bloodthirsty look.

17. (Back in normal clothes) hand candy out to everyone then walk up to your teacher and say “HA! None for you  =P that’s payback for that F!” >D

18. Be Tardy. When your teacher asks why you were late say “My goldfish died.” Then burst into tears. :D

19. When turning in a paper, write this paper will self destruct in 5 seconds and the bottom.

20. When you leave the class bow and say “May the force be with you, young one.”

21. Show up to class (now they got to do their job XD SUCKERS!)

22. Everytime the PA comes on act surprised and scream “NO NOT THE VOICES AGAIN! MAKE THEM STOP!!!!!!”

23. Every time the morning announcements start look around the rooms ceiling and say “GOD? It that you?!?!”

24. Whisper to the person next to you. When the teacher comes up behind you, scream “OMG GET AWAY! RAPE! RAPE! RAPE!!!!!!!!!!!!”

25. When its time for the pledge of allegiance, while everyone says it, yell out random things (Pickle, pepto bismol, abortion, cow, etc.) and mess everyone up.

26. Walk into class dancing the Macarena.

27. Tell your teacher you heard the other teachers talking about him/her in the teachers lounge.

28. During an exam, act like you need help really badly. (wave to the teacher, say psssst a lot, jump in your seat, act like your trying to land a plane etc.)

29. When you graduate, hug your teacher and say, “I’M GONNA MISS YOU SOOOOOOO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”

30. When you’re an adult, look up your old teacher in  a phone book. Then go to their house in the middle of the night. Sneak up by their bed, Give him/her a twisted and demented  look and say “Heh….I’m back….MUAHAHAHA!”

P.S. I found these on internet NOTMINE!!!!

Thursday, January 14

52 more ways to irritate your teacher

I am moving to a new blog address. : ) YAY. You can find me @ < if that doesn't work you can email me at : ) thank you : )
  1. CHew gum all the time
  2. Always spit it out and on the way back put in another (preferably a diff color)
  3. Act like a spy as you come into the classroom.
  4. Wait three seconds until the bell rings to sit down.
  5. Put your hair up in an odd fashion
  6. when she asks about it say "WHat" and act like you are about to cry
  7. always ask to move closwer to the board
  8. especially if there isn't anything on the board
  9. take your shoes off
  10. when she tells you to put them on tell her you had an itch
  11. yawn a lot
  12. lean back in your chair
  13. put your feet on the chair in front of you
  14. skip down the hallway
  15. when they ttell you to walk say"Skipping isn't in the rule book" stick your toungue oue and keep going
  16. while in clear eyesight throw away your homework
  17. talk just enough to get the look then finish your conversation
  18. dont talk at all
  19. go to sleep
  20. snore loudly
  21. when you wake up pretend you never fell asleep
  22. apply lipstick every ten minutes
  23. pop your gum 
  24. laugh really loudly
  25. yell to someone across the room
  26. draw on the white board
  27. cover yourself in marker dots
  28. draw a face on your face
  29. wear 3-d glasses with the lenses popped out
  30. draw glasses onto your face
  31. when they tell you to write something wait until last minute to write it
  32. say get yo neck
  33. dont do your work
  34. turn in blank papers with doodles all over it
  35. tap repeatedly
  36. pop your arm
  37. make weird gestures
  38. talk in a made up language with yoiur friends don't actually mean anyhting by it
  39. make obnoxiuos noises
  40. wear your shoes backwards
  41. open your eyes wide
  42. look at the lights often
  43. pretend to be blind
  44. Walk with a limp
  45. pretend to be gangster
  46. Roll your eyes whenever someone coughs
  47. cough often
  48. sneeze loudly
  49. sneeze with a high pitch
  50. look suspiciously about
  51. drop your books
  52. Randomly bust into song
So these are a few

Tuesday, January 12

The Grapist

Go to youtube and type in the grapist it is absolutly fantastic. then tell me what you think about the commercial



Share my site

I love getting comments and for all of you that have a blog i bet you do too. so comment please and share my site with your friends.

No news at all only that in band we are going to have a test in tuning I know it is rather odd. In math we had a test i did OK.

OH YEAH!!1 on friday threee of my bestest buddies are coming over and we are have=ing a harry potter palooza(with a snuggie) With a snuggie because thats how this whole thing got started. SO we are going to be playing HP games and readign HP books and wartching all of the movies in the HP series. I was going to by chocolate coins to pretend they were galleons


I find it super irrtating when I go to listen to music or read a book and then everyone keeps bugging you. then you have to go do your chores and you try after they arwe doen but dinner is ready so you try after diner then you got to take a shower. then you try after the shower but u got homework then bed. so yes that really irritates me


Monday, January 11

Stuff that is to be answered

I am going to go over the basuics one more time. I am actually twelve,I am hannah, I am from well,Lansiong MI U.S and I love free music. So that should answer your questions. I wish that people wouild comment more I don'tget very many that is why I comment on lots of blogs so tell me about yours
AMny peaces HANAH

Sunday, January 10

I;m testing the colors cuse I changed my backround
It is a boring day still got nothing to post about
Hey its me again nothing new to do for me. its the weekend so of course i have no plans. I did yesterday. but not today. I guessI will clean my room today lord knows i could use it.i'm sitting here in my snuggie. cuze a blanket would \fall into my lap. writing poetry on my other site!!!

Friday, January 8

Wow a whole month without posting. I say sorry to all my dedicated readers. I wish you a good 2010. SO back to my regular posting YAYAYAYAY. I've got to tell you something THERE IS A DUCK SONG 2 and by the way it is a strange phenomenon I started watching the duck song and other songs by Bryant oden before he even became you-tube famous check out a video a friend of mine +me made @

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