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Doctor Who

Tuesday, January 12

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No news at all only that in band we are going to have a test in tuning I know it is rather odd. In math we had a test i did OK.

OH YEAH!!1 on friday threee of my bestest buddies are coming over and we are have=ing a harry potter palooza(with a snuggie) With a snuggie because thats how this whole thing got started. SO we are going to be playing HP games and readign HP books and wartching all of the movies in the HP series. I was going to by chocolate coins to pretend they were galleons


I find it super irrtating when I go to listen to music or read a book and then everyone keeps bugging you. then you have to go do your chores and you try after they arwe doen but dinner is ready so you try after diner then you got to take a shower. then you try after the shower but u got homework then bed. so yes that really irritates me


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