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Doctor Who

Monday, January 25

Who knew???

Who knew that math class could be fun??? In math today Me and my friend D were being funny accidentally. First we were talking about dreams and stuff and how sometimes you just wake up crying and stuff like that then I hadn't realized that the enitire class(that was talking REALLY!!!! loudly) had one of those quiet moments so I kept talking. So I was looking at my work and I said "do ever have those nights when you just don't dream" everyone,including myself, cracked up laughing the whole class heard. !!!!! :) then later all around mt eyes itched and I rubbed them so they watered up . Then i used 1 finger to rub the corner of my eye and out of nowhere"I LOST AN EYELASH" I said it out of surprise for a split second i hadn't even realized how loudly I said it. At least 2/3 of the class heard that one. and last but definitly not least = we all know it is the beginning of the semester so we are destined to get new seats. well I had to sit next to this guy named Ben (I HATE THIS DUDE) and alexis or someone told me and I was all WHAT!!!!! apparently I sounded like RPattz in one of his interviews it was HA LAIR E OUS

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