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Doctor Who

Saturday, January 30

SuckerPeople4-1.jpg picture by monkeyface122in a whole other world there were  DUH DUH DUH sucker people !!! they lived in a mountain of candy with a hollowed out inside .Older suckers were very grouchy and almost always were big smokers:( thats not very healthy for a sucker. colors would start to fade as they got older. and thier flavors would change. Depending on their mood the sucker would change his/her flavor. if feeling mad it would be cherry or cinnamon. embarrassed bubblegum and happy any assortments of flavors.
Some liked to pretend to be the queen although there was no actyual king, princess, or queen to mountain  lick a lot. The sucker people were endangered after a few years of being discovered by leprechauns. those little guys aren't naturally that giddy. Then they had found mountain lick a lot where they lived.

Most suckers weren't bitter or spiteful but you did the occasional vomit or booger flavored sucker. Once they had come acrossed a potato flavored one, that wasn't very pleasant to witness.


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