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Doctor Who

Friday, January 8

Wow a whole month without posting. I say sorry to all my dedicated readers. I wish you a good 2010. SO back to my regular posting YAYAYAYAY. I've got to tell you something THERE IS A DUCK SONG 2 and by the way it is a strange phenomenon I started watching the duck song and other songs by Bryant oden before he even became you-tube famous check out a video a friend of mine +me made @

1 comment:

  1. hey hannah. my name is catherine and i live in ENGLAND!!!! have done all my life, but i want to move to the usa when im older. anyhoo, enough of that. i hear that you think that it is incredibly annoying when people dont write on a blog they have created? me too. I think you would enjoy my blogs -
    (a random one for everything)
    (one for all my poems that i write)

    because i enjoyed yours.

    catherine xx

    ps. please read my blogs and leave comments. please?


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