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Doctor Who

Thursday, January 14

52 more ways to irritate your teacher

I am moving to a new blog address. : ) YAY. You can find me @ < if that doesn't work you can email me at : ) thank you : )
  1. CHew gum all the time
  2. Always spit it out and on the way back put in another (preferably a diff color)
  3. Act like a spy as you come into the classroom.
  4. Wait three seconds until the bell rings to sit down.
  5. Put your hair up in an odd fashion
  6. when she asks about it say "WHat" and act like you are about to cry
  7. always ask to move closwer to the board
  8. especially if there isn't anything on the board
  9. take your shoes off
  10. when she tells you to put them on tell her you had an itch
  11. yawn a lot
  12. lean back in your chair
  13. put your feet on the chair in front of you
  14. skip down the hallway
  15. when they ttell you to walk say"Skipping isn't in the rule book" stick your toungue oue and keep going
  16. while in clear eyesight throw away your homework
  17. talk just enough to get the look then finish your conversation
  18. dont talk at all
  19. go to sleep
  20. snore loudly
  21. when you wake up pretend you never fell asleep
  22. apply lipstick every ten minutes
  23. pop your gum 
  24. laugh really loudly
  25. yell to someone across the room
  26. draw on the white board
  27. cover yourself in marker dots
  28. draw a face on your face
  29. wear 3-d glasses with the lenses popped out
  30. draw glasses onto your face
  31. when they tell you to write something wait until last minute to write it
  32. say get yo neck
  33. dont do your work
  34. turn in blank papers with doodles all over it
  35. tap repeatedly
  36. pop your arm
  37. make weird gestures
  38. talk in a made up language with yoiur friends don't actually mean anyhting by it
  39. make obnoxiuos noises
  40. wear your shoes backwards
  41. open your eyes wide
  42. look at the lights often
  43. pretend to be blind
  44. Walk with a limp
  45. pretend to be gangster
  46. Roll your eyes whenever someone coughs
  47. cough often
  48. sneeze loudly
  49. sneeze with a high pitch
  50. look suspiciously about
  51. drop your books
  52. Randomly bust into song
So these are a few

1 comment:

  1. Hello again, hannah :) I know you like comments and i do too, so i thought i woiuld leave you one :P I laughed very loudly when i read this = funny!
    catherine xx
    ps. It was my birthday yesterday :) and now i am one year older than you :D


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