from now on you can find me at!!!

Doctor Who

Wednesday, March 31

Macaroni and cheese gurt

now I have seen this new sensation sweeping the web. yes I was hesitant at first not wanting to ruin my macaroni and cheese. Now let me explain to all of those who do not know what macaroni and cheese gurt is . Its exactly what it sounds like macaroni and cheese with yes yogurt now sure it sounds funny and who in the world thought this up. but Try it. now I had it just a few minutes ago and like I said I did NOT wan to ruin my dinner if I didn't like it soooooo I just used a small bowl. Now og COURSE I used kraft mac n'cheese and such  BUT every video I have seen they have used yoplait I have 3 containers of yoplait in my fridge but being the rebel I am I used DUH DUH DUH go Gurt now this may have altered the recipe. and maybe not . I tried it with Strawberry punch.I put it in only half the container and mixed it up closed my eyes and braced myself. So all the videos and things that I have heard  is that is tastes like dessert and its colder and not really cheesy and kinda tatses like yoguty noodles were in this case, wrong for me it tasted ok not great gut ok I mean never again am I going to eat it like this but it was worth a tiny bowl of macaroni and cheese and half a tube of go gurt. because society CAN'T tell me how to eat my macaroni and cheese...but people on youtube CAN.
THx to you Kristina Horner bc if it werent for you I would have never tried that

Tuesday, March 30

UHHH yeah sooooooo huh?

I already have plants for Friday and elementary tour got cancelled so turns out I DO technically have school all week other than Friday . Yucky poo. Thats no cool and then Cassandra MIGHT come over on Monday and then my friend Sara is coming over on friday and spending the night and then yeah


At track practice the other day we had to do 3 three hundred meters so the first one was mre pacing myself and then  I made a deal with delaney that we would take it easy on the second one and then we would book it out on the last one. Well we did  and Mrs lynch times us so we mainly wanted to see how fast we could go and then when AFTER both delaney and Ihad crossed the finish line is when she starts timing GOSH !!!!! UGHHHHHH and then we’re going to do this super surprise thingy at the track banquet and it will be fun

MRs. ERSPAMER IS BACK thank golliness cause I was REALLY hatin on that sub !


SHHH i'm in english class right now yesterday track was KILLEr it was My firtst day it still hurts Ow

Monday, March 29


so the weekend was SO jam packed full of stuff for me and now I already have plans for Friday which is when my friend sara is coming over and spending the n ight...most likely. Then she can help and check out that thing I did with my brother that im not allowed to mention  until a certain someone knows about ity and this is startimng to KILL me bc I've known for TWO WEEKS!!!
~busy body hannah

Sunday, March 28


so my brother and i did that thing that i cant mentoin and im  syill working on ,ine soooo yeah and i went to see my friend sara who i havent seen in ages and lotsmof other things that will go unmentionedn happened
ps i wrote this all with my pinkies andf i nevr bent my pinkiesn thisn is difficult

Saturday, March 27

super saturday

Okay so me and my brother are doing this thing which im not allowed to mention. and we MIGHT do it today...maybe and im probably going over to ds house and spending the night.... this is all very CONFUSING

Friday, March 26


SRry I haventposted in a while  its bc mt internet got shut off for a littlw hile.

Saturday, March 20

spring Cleaning

okay so I did some spring cleaning but not inm y room or my house it was duh duh duh my inbox okay I had 1734 e-mails  oh yeah and look right now I have exactly 100 spam I planned to see how many e-mails I got from my friend delanye I wanted to do this because I had slowly come to realize it seems like we e-mail each other a lot
I have 670 on the dot annndddd. 1 from bryant oden man that took more than anhour
~hardworking mail sorter hannah


im on book #11 in my 103 challenge even though I should be on like book #24
fight: i dont even care anymore

Friday, March 19


okay so when I waslike four my sister left for school at seven right and there was this tv show that ended like right when she left so I had to get up REAl early to watch it because I liked it so much but since I like sleeping too I barely ever got to see this here tv show and by the time I started to really wake up early and watch it it got cancelled ant i was all ohhhhhhhh mannnn why did they do tthhhaaaatttttt ..... but I was walking around my house today when a song came into my head and I found myself singing  ♪ where is carmen sandiego carmen sandiego♪ and I was like  whoa !!! hold THAT cellular telephone and I hopped on the computer and looked up the show just to make sure I wasn't crazy and look I wasn't dude I was like FOUR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
OMG!! I freaked !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i am freaking!!!!!!!!!!
ps I mean the cartoon bnbot the one with reasl people


so im writing a new book about this girl IO dont know what I want to happen yet but it does include running.i cant seem to come up with a title yike all for now !!!

Thursday, March 18


Okay and I forgot to add on the fights thing....

  • anuything that causes big crowds of students angry teachers and people creaming :)
fights :5

Wednesday, March 17


So I have realized (no not just now) that there are a lot of fights at my svhool so from now to the end of the school year the end of my post will have how many fights there has been so far !

By fights I mean:
  • fights,physically punching pulling hair and all that
  • two people yelling at eachother loud ebnough to draw a crowd
  • the kind where someone gets thrown onto a lunch table
  • OR you know those arguments you see while driving home _wehen two people are cussing and yelling at each other
BTw I have decked out my site too for st.patricks day AYY rubans for dinner and the parents get guiness kids have to stick to guiness world records :(



I have nothing to say other than yesterday I got hit by a car an old man was driving. I dont know what his problem was ! 
P.S. Hillary just shut up and go away yeah you too korena if thats how you spell your name

Tuesday, March 16


I   like just woke up and im tired so this is wehre I pretend to post ..........................:)

Monday, March 15

I think this is the part where I post

Okay so I have had nothing to do today. My life is pretty boring and running low on the witty and somethmes rather irnoy  or laughable stories.

Well st.Patricks day is coming  up. Which is one of my favorite holidays. Bc I go all out with the green. siince my school has uniforms and you arent allowed to wear any green shirts or pants I am going to wear my lucky clover necklace and stripy green socks and green bracelets and all sorts of other green things PS go to for more random stories from me and others

Saturday, March 13

Remember Me

so we went to see the movie YAY! it was halairous even the parts that were supposedf to be all sorts of serious. It was romantic and yet still funny. she dumped water on him from the dinner that they cute. but all was fine until DUH DUH DUh ... the ending that was the worse most  BAD thing they have evr done I won't tell you'll have to go see it but those of you who have seen it WOW I almost cried

Thursday, March 11


well I just went to sign  up with something and the little thing where you have to type whats in the box and it was crabbed senator wow yea ummmmm

Elaboration domination hey that rhymed

okay a little clarity on this nerdfighters are people who instead of being made of skin a nd bones and tissue they're made entirely of awesome and look :

incase I have failed to mention DFTBa mean dont forget to be awesome

Tuesday, March 9


umm huh yeah I'm pretty sure I am somewhat of a nerdfighter maybe not sure ummm yet this is confusing john?hank green rock and I am totally awesome ... I think. so yeha I guess I am so it is official I am a nerdfighter YEAH dftba !!! yay so I guess I am very separate from my friends now. but yeah okay I have a thing for all of those little youtube projects ahhh. such as the five awesome girls or maybe lets say brotherhood 2.0 hmmmmm this seems to be a strange phenomenon since I am like twelve and most Nerdfighters are like 19 20 Well they are just so friggin cool finally someone who knows how awesome it is to be well awesome and nerdy !!!!!! yes  nerdfighters unite!!! ohhh man this is bad I am addicted to youtube. ADDICTED I TELL YOU!!!! NOT GOOD!!! well actually I like it WHICH IS WHY I AM ADDICTED!!!! see I just spent al my time on the computer watching john green talk about pwning oprah bc I need to catch up that now I have to go bc I have to get my glee on !!!! yeayuh!!!! tis back and BTw DFTBA
~nerdfighter hannah


well here are the details on my book challenge

  • I have to read 103 by the end of 2010
  • they can be any type of books
  • I can still read books that I have previously read
  • comic-strip collections count
  • no junie b. jones
  • no comic comic books
  • have to read the ENTIRE book
  • I do not have to like the book for it to count
P.S. I'm on #8 YIKES!


I broke my MP4 *tear* oh yeah oh so sad no more video making no more sad oh so sad and umm yeah

Saturday, March 6


so we had this thing called msboa I think I rold you about it well its basically meap test for band. 1=a 2=b 3=c 4=d 5=e basixcally we got 1s for everything for the sixths year ina row SRAIGHT ONES SUCK ON THAT ALL U OTHER SCHOOL SRRY you werent as good as us :p WE ROCK whooo hooo go pattengill

Wednesday, March 3

yeah ok

srry my posts have been extremly  short. well heres we go
Today at school we hasd those dumb little eye exams and when I got up there this is how it went
Lady:okay do you have glasses
me:I did but I lost them
Lady:when was your last eye exam/
me:the beginning of the school year
Me:the beginning of the school year
Lady:Oh like in the fall
lady:okay you're good then ehats your naem?
me: Flagg
Me: Flagg
Lady:oh you can go stand out in the hallway now

SOooo yeah thats how that went and then something happened while me and almost everyone else were in the hall way so I do this thing with my feet when I'm bored where you lift the toes of your shoes slide them to whatever direction you want to move . then when yourtoes touch down pick up the back up the back of your feet just so they barely brush the floor. and put them in the same direction. Then you end up moving. and do it over and over again. well I was seeing how fast I could get acrossed to the other side of the hall and back. Well I got to the other side and half way backThe teacher walked out butI had my backed turned to her and I just heard "hannah! back against the wall" so I walked back to the wall and stood as soon as she went back in the room me and ALL my friends cracked up laughing because it was just SO funny! but then I was showing my friend Delaney how to do it because she was trying it and I was just gonna try getting to the othr side of the hall way again. well this time I got halfway when she walked out sooooooo yeah I quick got to the wall and then she was like does somebody need sentences? and I said no and herfake eyebrows almost touched her hairline.and she was all "I expect you to abide and junk" and then she just walked back into the room and so we ALL started luaghing exremly hard at what she had said and her eyebrows then on our way back up to the classroom I was doing that thing again and going just as fast as all the students that were walkiing and then we got to the stairs let me tell you THAt was complicated!
*sigh* good times
~ hannah

Tuesday, March 2


my throat hurts but I'm not sick or anything gh2g to school though but I reallly just wanted to post cause posting is fun soooooooo yeah OH WAIT NO BEFORE YOU GO go to its a pact my friend casssandra and I made

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