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Doctor Who

Wednesday, March 31

Macaroni and cheese gurt

now I have seen this new sensation sweeping the web. yes I was hesitant at first not wanting to ruin my macaroni and cheese. Now let me explain to all of those who do not know what macaroni and cheese gurt is . Its exactly what it sounds like macaroni and cheese with yes yogurt now sure it sounds funny and who in the world thought this up. but Try it. now I had it just a few minutes ago and like I said I did NOT wan to ruin my dinner if I didn't like it soooooo I just used a small bowl. Now og COURSE I used kraft mac n'cheese and such  BUT every video I have seen they have used yoplait I have 3 containers of yoplait in my fridge but being the rebel I am I used DUH DUH DUH go Gurt now this may have altered the recipe. and maybe not . I tried it with Strawberry punch.I put it in only half the container and mixed it up closed my eyes and braced myself. So all the videos and things that I have heard  is that is tastes like dessert and its colder and not really cheesy and kinda tatses like yoguty noodles were in this case, wrong for me it tasted ok not great gut ok I mean never again am I going to eat it like this but it was worth a tiny bowl of macaroni and cheese and half a tube of go gurt. because society CAN'T tell me how to eat my macaroni and cheese...but people on youtube CAN.
THx to you Kristina Horner bc if it werent for you I would have never tried that

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