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Doctor Who

Tuesday, March 9


umm huh yeah I'm pretty sure I am somewhat of a nerdfighter maybe not sure ummm yet this is confusing john?hank green rock and I am totally awesome ... I think. so yeha I guess I am so it is official I am a nerdfighter YEAH dftba !!! yay so I guess I am very separate from my friends now. but yeah okay I have a thing for all of those little youtube projects ahhh. such as the five awesome girls or maybe lets say brotherhood 2.0 hmmmmm this seems to be a strange phenomenon since I am like twelve and most Nerdfighters are like 19 20 Well they are just so friggin cool finally someone who knows how awesome it is to be well awesome and nerdy !!!!!! yes  nerdfighters unite!!! ohhh man this is bad I am addicted to youtube. ADDICTED I TELL YOU!!!! NOT GOOD!!! well actually I like it WHICH IS WHY I AM ADDICTED!!!! see I just spent al my time on the computer watching john green talk about pwning oprah bc I need to catch up that now I have to go bc I have to get my glee on !!!! yeayuh!!!! tis back and BTw DFTBA
~nerdfighter hannah

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