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Doctor Who

Tuesday, March 30

UHHH yeah sooooooo huh?

I already have plants for Friday and elementary tour got cancelled so turns out I DO technically have school all week other than Friday . Yucky poo. Thats no cool and then Cassandra MIGHT come over on Monday and then my friend Sara is coming over on friday and spending the night and then yeah


At track practice the other day we had to do 3 three hundred meters so the first one was mre pacing myself and then  I made a deal with delaney that we would take it easy on the second one and then we would book it out on the last one. Well we did  and Mrs lynch times us so we mainly wanted to see how fast we could go and then when AFTER both delaney and Ihad crossed the finish line is when she starts timing GOSH !!!!! UGHHHHHH and then we’re going to do this super surprise thingy at the track banquet and it will be fun

MRs. ERSPAMER IS BACK thank golliness cause I was REALLY hatin on that sub !

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