from now on you can find me at!!!

Doctor Who

Friday, April 30

5th hr

so today during fith hour was funy. no no no MORE than funny i mean FALL OUT OF YOU CHAIr ROTFLMAO . So mrs. Stachwitch was yelling at us and all
" I am niot allowing you guys to go on ANY ferildtrips next week and NO art of leadership next week either "  And half the kids raised their hands and were all " We have a Track meet on friday and we leave i noon " (she calle don me so I got to tell her"  and then shes like (you know what this moight be easier this way here is the convo that went on I am H she is S
S; You guys are NOt allowed to go  on any sort of field trip or art of leadership next week.
Class: mumble mumble hands go up
H; We have a track meet on Friday and we miss this class
S; Well you'll just have to come in after school on thursday to make up the work
H; we have to go to practice the day berfore to go to the meet (even though if we were staying with a teacher we really didn't)
S: well you just need to come in which is more important trunning or this class
Class; half the class said track is I said track was without her noticing
H; so I can't come in after school anywyas
S; well then you need to have a discussoion with your coach

and the whole class started arguing with her about it.
Then we started to rebel

Earlier in the class we had these sheets and they said that we only had 3 picks for what country to do our project on and each section got a different three. now these projects were independent and she had said " I don't care if you have the same one as your neightbor or the person behind or infront of you" and so now each sectin in doing all the same ones
section#1 Egypt
Section#2 Ghana
Section #3 (im not sure
Section #4 south africa

then each personin those sections are doing those
and they thought well if we do things in a whole class she can't suspend all of us. So at a certain time  all of us just randomly burasrt ludly in laughter and practically died and she looked like she was very confused the next one was at like 2:57 or something we all stood up and walked to the pencil sharpner like only 20 people got up. Mrs/ stchwick got up and unplugged the sharpener and Iwas like "man irs a good thing I just sharpened mine (i had sharpened mne third) then we had all planned to lay on the floor but we had a fire drill the exact minutre we had planned it AWESOME!!!!! now we are doing stuf like that all the time!!!

sSRRY bout the bad grammar spell x et ra I was SUPER EXCITED

Just finished jerk california a week or so ago
its about a kid with tourettes
then read final exam
that was liek really strange READ IT!

Sunday, April 25


just watched avatar
 I'm too lazy to sum up the whole thing so here's someone else's

In the future, Jake, a paraplegic war veteran, is brought to another planet, Pandora, which is inhabited by the Na'vi, a humanoid race with their own language and culture. Those from Earth find themselves at odds with each other and the local culture. Written by Giorgio_C
When his brother is killed in a robbery, paraplegic Marine Jake Sully decides to take his place in a mission on the distant world of Pandora. There he learns of greedy corporate figurehead Parker Selfridge's intentions of driving off the native humanoid "Na'vi" in order to mine for the precious material scattered throughout their rich woodland. In exchange for the spinal surgery that will fix his legs, Jake gathers intel for the cooperating military unit spearheaded by gung-ho Colonel Quaritch, while simultaneously attempting to infiltrate the Na'vi people with the use of an "avatar" identity. While Jake begins to bond with the native tribe and quickly falls in love with the beautiful alien Neytiri, the restless Colonel moves forward with his ruthless extermination tactics, forcing the soldier to take a stand - and fight back in an epic battle for the fate of Pandora

and here is what I have to say about the movie . YOU HAVE TO SEE IT!!!!! i was all like " i don't like that kind of movie like the main story line" I didn't watch it last night when the rest of my family did but I just finished watching it and was all "wow that was a FRIKKIN cool movie!!!!! he was all wooosh and she was like blahbiddy blah bllah and he was al thunk and zooommmmmm " I was incredible he nailed it!!!!"  OMg wow I was all swinging around the house a minte ago it was a GREAT movie and imsorta glad my mother got that instead of new moon

Saturday, April 24

Yes Man Review

just saw Yes Man, 

Carl is living his life to the least. He says no to EVERYTHING and doesn't go to parties or go out for drinks , nothing. He ends up missing his best friends engagement party and doesn't even know his friend's fiancée's  last name. when he runs into an old friend he attends an awkward seminar from then on he has to say yes to everything. He seems to go punished every time he says the word no. He goes from giving a homeless guy a ride then getting stranded to saying yes to every loan opportunity that walks through his office door and saving a mans life through music. He meets a girl and he likes her but of course he has to say yes to everything. Carl gets hooked by the police for being accused of being a terrorist. this is because he had to say yes to learning Korean , and flying lessons, and guitar lessons, and Persian wife, and he tok a spontaneous trip to Lincoln Nebraska. she finds out and flips. After finding out that je CAn say yes to some stuff he takes a ducati (some sort of dirt bike motorcycle thing)to where she has a morning run/photography class thing.and they get back together awww the end. :) oh yeah and they were donating clothes to charity/ the hmeless.  and they ask everyone attending a seminar and then terrance (the guy thats the head of the seminar ) walks out and is like oh my god

Thursday, April 22


this here my 200th post!!!!!!! yay!!! so I am going to make this HUGE!!!!!!!!

      50 THINGS

  1. I have gone to Boston MAssachutsettes
  2. I saw humpback whales in the Atlantic ocean
  3. I failed math class
  4. I went to school on a day...we didn't have school
  5. won first place in more than 2 track events
  6. finished bible school
  7. did cheerleading for 2 years and got elected most improved
  8. I read 3 books in 1 day 
  9. won a poster contest
  10. I've been to hershey pennsylvania
  11. burned a batch of cookies 5 consecitive times
  12. wrote a TERRIBLE SONG
  13. survived an INSANE principal
  14. won nano wrimo
  15. watched every single brotherhood 2.0 video
  16. I put more than 3 dollars through the washer at once
  17. wore two different shoes to school
  18. Talked on the phone till my mother kicked me off
  19. tried an oyster , and hated it
  20. read well over 300 books in my life
  21. stayed friends that I met when I was 3 and moved away from 
  22. I stuck a fork in someones eye
  23. been in a play
  24. Ate an ENTIRE apple
  25. wrote a book
  26. made a movie
  27. made over 3 piczo accounts
  28. rode on a dirtbike
  29. fixed a car heater
  30. changed tires
  31. had 3 bikes with flat tires
  32. Got a chance to go to Australia
  33. Ate an apricot (icky ) 
  34. clever cried during a movie or book
  35. acccidentally made a blog
  36. swallowed a bug
  37. been pooped on by bird
  38. Played a solo at 2 concerts
  39. Learned clarinet
  40. rode 9and fell off) a unicycle
  41. Had a table fall on my forehead
  42. ate ants
  43. stabbed someone in the eye...with a fork
  44. ate fear factor candy
  45. threw up all the way to the toilet but not in it
  46. showered in just undies and socks
  47. Got a fishhook stuck in my mouth
  48. split open my chin on a medal bridge(got it stitched)
  49. split open the stitches a week later

our first meet( AND MY FIRST MEET!) April 21 st  I Run an 800 1600 relay and a 3200 relay . I am not long distance so i was pretty darn pe -oed. I wanted to run at least one 200m but of course the one hing I had been saying ALL DAY is that I didn't want a relay but I would be okay with one if I got my 200m so I get stuck with two. Now my friend D wanted to switch with me for my two relays she a the mile. I dont mmind the mile even though I'm probably slower than her in it but whatevs.

and this is the story
So we were having some great fun cheering on our teammates. And there was this girl that was talking to delaney she was from the oposing team. And she was apparently all " so what your best time"  then D said her time or somehting and  other girl was like "oh well mine is 6:30." and then she came in behind kirsten who got 6:50 So we ccall her 6:50 And she kept flashing somedirty looks at me sometimes & @ d 2. and then when I went up to run my 3200m Relay she was anchor too!!!!! and I was all like dude this is klike my destiny this is why I was put it in the race its perfect I was put here to beat her. And then Katie mm. got us a HUGE lead and kirsten helped make the gap bigger. and Malahni was staying a far length away from this monica girl  and then I was  practically dying out there on that track. And did it I beather and a few minutes after we weredone she was like good job and slightly tilted and walked standing tall straight pass her , i had always wanted to do that. the rest of the meet went great we got slammed though. it was like 28 to 89 . :(  but hey we went home wih a smile :)

D might be my unicycle instructor. as in I would pay her. and thats strange because everyone was asking if she would teach them and her other friend had already asked buty im paying so what to the nows
~ Hannah

Sunday, April 11


Okay so I know that my posts have been extremely short thats because I just needed to post but had nothing to write about but now as i look back i have done NOTHING all spring break. Sara came over and Cassandra came over after Sara and stuff but that was about as big as it gets. we've gone to the library almost once a day this week. But I don't even have a full week of school really because we have elementary tour when we get back. Monday will be the same but on Wednesday and Thursday, I think WE will be going to play for other schools. It is really fun because we play songs like the best of queen, the Simpsons, and transformers. it was really fun last week when we went to Fairview. We were supposed to do elementary tour last week but they didn't book our buses. We still went to Fairview though because we had planned on walking anyways. :)٩(-̮̮̃•̃)۶ this is gonna be awesome. I finished my book ,switch, so now I am on book #22 The next book is called claim to fame 

Here is my book list so far 

  1. Griffin's Castle -Jenny Nimmo
  2. Artemis fowl-Eoin Colfer
  3. blue Water - A. Manette Ansay
  4. sister spider knows all- Adrian Fogelin
  5. The Indispensable Calvin and Hobbes- Bill Watterson
  6. Ida B. - Katherine Hannigan
  7. Holes- Louis Sachar
  8. Cut- Patricia McCormick
  9. The Last of the really Great Whangdoodles-Julie andrews edwards
  10. Shattering Glass- Gail Giles 
  11. dogs Don't Tell Jokes- Louis Sachar 
  12. There's a bat in bunk five- Paula Danziger
  13. The end(a series of unfortunate events) Lemony Snicket
  14. frindle- Andrew Clements
  15. Love that dog- Sharon Creech
  16. Sparks- Graham McNamee
  17. Paper Towns- John green ]
  18. Coffeehouse angel- Suzanne Selfors
  19. the reptile room- Lemony Snicket
  20. Duplikate-Cherry Cheva
  21. Switch- Carol Snow

and this is where Each and every day I will go down the list and (maybe skip over some of them ) and give a short summary/review  on the book. i am not starting on 1. I am only doing my more recent books

Coffeehouse Angel

When Katrina sees a homeless guy sleeping in the alley behind her grandmother’s coffee shop, she decides to leave him a cup of coffee, a bag of chocolate-covered coffee beans, and some pastries to tide him over. But she had no idea  that this random act of kindness is about to turn her life upside down.  Because the homeless man, Malcolm, is really a guardian angel on a break between missions. And he won’t leave until he can reward Katrina’s selflessness by fulfilling her deepest desire. But Katrina justs want Malcolm to go away at first. She asks for things that she doesn't really desire. When her grandmothers coffeehouse is in danger of closing she swings in for the rescue and trys to keep it open and running. 

I know not the greatest summary but its what I could manage so thats what its about a nd such I enjoyed the book 
so I recommend you try it.  


Saturday, April 10


Okay I want You to come up with a line ((or quote) of something youhave said and make sure that its one that sounds like it could get famous and leave it in the comments ~please
I now have 7 new books in total!!!!!!! yay i am soooo gunna b reading all day and tomorrow and hopefully on monday :)

Wednesday, April 7


Yeh so io went and got my hair cut today now its really short and stuff I like it better now I dop not thinkI like it long I like it the way it is now but when the guy put some hairspray in my hair it smelled EXACTLY like bug spray
all I have time for
ps im addicted 2 flair on facebook

Tuesday, April 6

BLuck Ya

and that concludes my  post for today

Sunday, April 4


So yes I got TONs of candy Today. It's true but I really don't have any Wrappers this is because I don't eat candy as frequently / fast as I used to. So I am still working On it. finding my basket this year was Too easy. On top of the tv thingy which the word currently escapes me. well today has gone great I have finished a book called Paper Towns it was Really goo. I think That i might like it more Than twilight. if you Are wondering why in the world That i am putting capitals Where i don't need them Then obviously you have not read The book. So i thout it an awesome book. and if was So chock full o' awesome i might see if I can Buy a copy...maybe. the guy that wrote it actually has another book coming out in like three days. they have been working  On it for Five years. I t is not an child/ young adult  book I am just noting that John /green has a book coming out even though Ican't read it Wow.

Saturday, April 3

Oh aprilians

So I am doing that blog every dayin april thing its called BEDA and its kinda like nanowrimo but not really, its coimplicated. but today has gone good I went to the library I got a book called paper towns By John Green and I bought a book called Sparks which my friend delaney and I had saw in our school library and we had to do a book report and we both wanted that book. we literally and physically fighted over it ...well it was mostly me stealing it and her trying to get it back. But since she was the one who pulled it off the shelf she got it and then that was just to end up switcuing bbooks a few days later leaving me without a book. I am alomost done with it. then ionto paper towsn sO FOR ALL OF YOU APRILIANS BLOG EVERY DAYOF THE MONTH ' and for the record I did post on the firstbut my computer was being funny and didn't post it till the next day......

I am still working on book #16  for my 103 book challenge I am reading the reptile room which I read like two pages a week on Because I'm too busy doing other things. which is actaully a shame because I have no greater joy than reading a good book with a bowl of cheese balls and a 44 oz of fountain pop while my tv is playing animal crossing theme song thing over  and over and over and over and over.

My dog is NOT allowed in my room here is all the reasons why

  1. She is NOT completely housebroken yet
  2. she ALWAYS wants to play - even when I'm doing homework
  3. She steals my beanie babies and won't give them back
  4. She takes my aussie kangaroo _ yes Ihave an aussie kangaroo
  5. She chews lots of stuff
  6. did Imention she isn'thosuebroken
  7. she peed on my bed...twice
yet when some people come over AFTER I tell them shes not allowed in my room they still call her into my room and play with her. It's l;ike HELLO!!! did i nOt just tell you she is NOt allowed ion here

Friday, April 2

a break in my spring

so its the beginning so I know that . I bet you probably knew that ........ Well my friend Sara is over and they are playing greed right now so I am on the computer because I don't really like that game at all. they are on their second game. IDK who actually won the first let me ask.....of course it was my brother the one who always wins. that's another reason that I never play he ALWAYS wins mainly because my luck o meter is at 0. Probably karma. Yeah Karma. * sigh *  So yeah thats cool we walked around a LOT today and started working on our movie. The shots were okay but I think they could have been a little better than they were. we should have zoomed in more bc the opening scene is us running around a tack. It didn't really turn out the way I had imagined. I want this to be a GOOD movie not that junk that people whip together in a half our or so. well I guess that that is okay though. we took quite a while for us to fil;m because I had to start the camera get in position and then do the shot then i would have to run back to the camera and stop it move the camera to where we needed irt for the next shot. then after that i would start it and run  to the spot over and over and over and we had to take the last one # times bc Sara kept moving the camera  GAH!!!!!
takin car o' business


Okay so of course everyone knows about April fools day well my friend Delaney pranked her dad, she got paid back for that smooth move. Now a French tradition is to try and put paper fish on peoples backs without them noticing so we were all putting paper fish on people's backs and some people , like Abby, didn't even know what it was for and kept asking to get one I was like wow and so the day was full of paper fish. We did it to mystery/( mr.e) get it huh yeah that was a fine little line.  wow that was odd somehow. it was about time fro someone to rhyme. that was lame and I'm ashamed GAH! WOw but I didbn't pull any pranks even though I had a few really good ones :(

Thursday, April 1

trACK = OW

Track is today again my legs STILL hurt from monday but if you run in consecutive days it makes the pain go away after a while.



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