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Doctor Who

Thursday, April 22


this here my 200th post!!!!!!! yay!!! so I am going to make this HUGE!!!!!!!!

      50 THINGS

  1. I have gone to Boston MAssachutsettes
  2. I saw humpback whales in the Atlantic ocean
  3. I failed math class
  4. I went to school on a day...we didn't have school
  5. won first place in more than 2 track events
  6. finished bible school
  7. did cheerleading for 2 years and got elected most improved
  8. I read 3 books in 1 day 
  9. won a poster contest
  10. I've been to hershey pennsylvania
  11. burned a batch of cookies 5 consecitive times
  12. wrote a TERRIBLE SONG
  13. survived an INSANE principal
  14. won nano wrimo
  15. watched every single brotherhood 2.0 video
  16. I put more than 3 dollars through the washer at once
  17. wore two different shoes to school
  18. Talked on the phone till my mother kicked me off
  19. tried an oyster , and hated it
  20. read well over 300 books in my life
  21. stayed friends that I met when I was 3 and moved away from 
  22. I stuck a fork in someones eye
  23. been in a play
  24. Ate an ENTIRE apple
  25. wrote a book
  26. made a movie
  27. made over 3 piczo accounts
  28. rode on a dirtbike
  29. fixed a car heater
  30. changed tires
  31. had 3 bikes with flat tires
  32. Got a chance to go to Australia
  33. Ate an apricot (icky ) 
  34. clever cried during a movie or book
  35. acccidentally made a blog
  36. swallowed a bug
  37. been pooped on by bird
  38. Played a solo at 2 concerts
  39. Learned clarinet
  40. rode 9and fell off) a unicycle
  41. Had a table fall on my forehead
  42. ate ants
  43. stabbed someone in the eye...with a fork
  44. ate fear factor candy
  45. threw up all the way to the toilet but not in it
  46. showered in just undies and socks
  47. Got a fishhook stuck in my mouth
  48. split open my chin on a medal bridge(got it stitched)
  49. split open the stitches a week later

our first meet( AND MY FIRST MEET!) April 21 st  I Run an 800 1600 relay and a 3200 relay . I am not long distance so i was pretty darn pe -oed. I wanted to run at least one 200m but of course the one hing I had been saying ALL DAY is that I didn't want a relay but I would be okay with one if I got my 200m so I get stuck with two. Now my friend D wanted to switch with me for my two relays she a the mile. I dont mmind the mile even though I'm probably slower than her in it but whatevs.

and this is the story
So we were having some great fun cheering on our teammates. And there was this girl that was talking to delaney she was from the oposing team. And she was apparently all " so what your best time"  then D said her time or somehting and  other girl was like "oh well mine is 6:30." and then she came in behind kirsten who got 6:50 So we ccall her 6:50 And she kept flashing somedirty looks at me sometimes & @ d 2. and then when I went up to run my 3200m Relay she was anchor too!!!!! and I was all like dude this is klike my destiny this is why I was put it in the race its perfect I was put here to beat her. And then Katie mm. got us a HUGE lead and kirsten helped make the gap bigger. and Malahni was staying a far length away from this monica girl  and then I was  practically dying out there on that track. And did it I beather and a few minutes after we weredone she was like good job and slightly tilted and walked standing tall straight pass her , i had always wanted to do that. the rest of the meet went great we got slammed though. it was like 28 to 89 . :(  but hey we went home wih a smile :)

D might be my unicycle instructor. as in I would pay her. and thats strange because everyone was asking if she would teach them and her other friend had already asked buty im paying so what to the nows
~ Hannah

1 comment:

  1. hannah, hannah, hannah. your list is SO COOOOOL!!! oh and by the way . . . .. the list of books in the previous post is nothing, really . . . . . i read 11 over my easter holidays. or vacation, as you americans call it.


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