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Doctor Who

Friday, April 30

5th hr

so today during fith hour was funy. no no no MORE than funny i mean FALL OUT OF YOU CHAIr ROTFLMAO . So mrs. Stachwitch was yelling at us and all
" I am niot allowing you guys to go on ANY ferildtrips next week and NO art of leadership next week either "  And half the kids raised their hands and were all " We have a Track meet on friday and we leave i noon " (she calle don me so I got to tell her"  and then shes like (you know what this moight be easier this way here is the convo that went on I am H she is S
S; You guys are NOt allowed to go  on any sort of field trip or art of leadership next week.
Class: mumble mumble hands go up
H; We have a track meet on Friday and we miss this class
S; Well you'll just have to come in after school on thursday to make up the work
H; we have to go to practice the day berfore to go to the meet (even though if we were staying with a teacher we really didn't)
S: well you just need to come in which is more important trunning or this class
Class; half the class said track is I said track was without her noticing
H; so I can't come in after school anywyas
S; well then you need to have a discussoion with your coach

and the whole class started arguing with her about it.
Then we started to rebel

Earlier in the class we had these sheets and they said that we only had 3 picks for what country to do our project on and each section got a different three. now these projects were independent and she had said " I don't care if you have the same one as your neightbor or the person behind or infront of you" and so now each sectin in doing all the same ones
section#1 Egypt
Section#2 Ghana
Section #3 (im not sure
Section #4 south africa

then each personin those sections are doing those
and they thought well if we do things in a whole class she can't suspend all of us. So at a certain time  all of us just randomly burasrt ludly in laughter and practically died and she looked like she was very confused the next one was at like 2:57 or something we all stood up and walked to the pencil sharpner like only 20 people got up. Mrs/ stchwick got up and unplugged the sharpener and Iwas like "man irs a good thing I just sharpened mine (i had sharpened mne third) then we had all planned to lay on the floor but we had a fire drill the exact minutre we had planned it AWESOME!!!!! now we are doing stuf like that all the time!!!

sSRRY bout the bad grammar spell x et ra I was SUPER EXCITED

Just finished jerk california a week or so ago
its about a kid with tourettes
then read final exam
that was liek really strange READ IT!

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