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Doctor Who

Friday, April 2

a break in my spring

so its the beginning so I know that . I bet you probably knew that ........ Well my friend Sara is over and they are playing greed right now so I am on the computer because I don't really like that game at all. they are on their second game. IDK who actually won the first let me ask.....of course it was my brother the one who always wins. that's another reason that I never play he ALWAYS wins mainly because my luck o meter is at 0. Probably karma. Yeah Karma. * sigh *  So yeah thats cool we walked around a LOT today and started working on our movie. The shots were okay but I think they could have been a little better than they were. we should have zoomed in more bc the opening scene is us running around a tack. It didn't really turn out the way I had imagined. I want this to be a GOOD movie not that junk that people whip together in a half our or so. well I guess that that is okay though. we took quite a while for us to fil;m because I had to start the camera get in position and then do the shot then i would have to run back to the camera and stop it move the camera to where we needed irt for the next shot. then after that i would start it and run  to the spot over and over and over and we had to take the last one # times bc Sara kept moving the camera  GAH!!!!!
takin car o' business

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