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Doctor Who

Sunday, April 4


So yes I got TONs of candy Today. It's true but I really don't have any Wrappers this is because I don't eat candy as frequently / fast as I used to. So I am still working On it. finding my basket this year was Too easy. On top of the tv thingy which the word currently escapes me. well today has gone great I have finished a book called Paper Towns it was Really goo. I think That i might like it more Than twilight. if you Are wondering why in the world That i am putting capitals Where i don't need them Then obviously you have not read The book. So i thout it an awesome book. and if was So chock full o' awesome i might see if I can Buy a copy...maybe. the guy that wrote it actually has another book coming out in like three days. they have been working  On it for Five years. I t is not an child/ young adult  book I am just noting that John /green has a book coming out even though Ican't read it Wow.

1 comment:

  1. Haven't the whole series of VD been on in the US for like, ages because the author of the books is American? Soooo not fair. You guys get everything before we do :/ Catherine x


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