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Doctor Who

Saturday, April 24

Yes Man Review

just saw Yes Man, 

Carl is living his life to the least. He says no to EVERYTHING and doesn't go to parties or go out for drinks , nothing. He ends up missing his best friends engagement party and doesn't even know his friend's fiancée's  last name. when he runs into an old friend he attends an awkward seminar from then on he has to say yes to everything. He seems to go punished every time he says the word no. He goes from giving a homeless guy a ride then getting stranded to saying yes to every loan opportunity that walks through his office door and saving a mans life through music. He meets a girl and he likes her but of course he has to say yes to everything. Carl gets hooked by the police for being accused of being a terrorist. this is because he had to say yes to learning Korean , and flying lessons, and guitar lessons, and Persian wife, and he tok a spontaneous trip to Lincoln Nebraska. she finds out and flips. After finding out that je CAn say yes to some stuff he takes a ducati (some sort of dirt bike motorcycle thing)to where she has a morning run/photography class thing.and they get back together awww the end. :) oh yeah and they were donating clothes to charity/ the hmeless.  and they ask everyone attending a seminar and then terrance (the guy thats the head of the seminar ) walks out and is like oh my god

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