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Sunday, May 2

Uof M graduation

We got up around well I'm not dure when and then got all ready and stuff. I had to wear a dress too. and then we rode to ann arbor for like 2 hrs  or so. and when we got there she wasn't even HOME! we had to wai for her top get back from the big grad. where Obama was speaking, we missed that one (this is the link to it) Then when she got home she ate and talked and we looked at the big grad programm. i was literally like 100 pages thick!!!!!!  and then we walked to the RC grad (residentail college) (which is where all the cool people go )  IT WAS AWESOME!!!!!
 So this was not like every other grad where there is a big long speech at the beginning each person gets theirs diploma and says thanks to their parents and professors and leaves NO!!!!. This was one where we had FUN!
So yeah!!! and some people would recitwe poems, perform, song songs, rap, say thanks, talk about how they spent 10 years to graduate and so on. One guy told a story here is the story he told
 please replace crap with the s word for it to make more sense

So a bird is late for  migrating south for the winter and  he starts off after it is already getting a bit cold  and as he flies he gets colder and colder and slowly he becomes tired an weary and eventually he falls to the ground and freezes. .... slowly.. then a bear comes along and craps on the bird and at first the bird is angry and is really pi**ed at the bear and then he realized the crap was keeping him warm and he was happy and grateful tha the bear had crapped on him. He was so happy that he wasn't going to do die that he began to sing and then a cougar came by. the cougar heard the bird singing and arte him. now there are three morals to this story
#1 not all people that get you into crap are your enemy
#2 not all people that get you out of crap are your friends
#3 if you find yourself in deep crap keep your mouth closed

HA LAIR I OUS \then when my sis got up there one of her friends was stalling and such and then they started dancing. I didn't understand at first , That was because nobody could hear the music then someone put the mic up to my sis's computer that was playing it then they danced and everyone laughed they were doing the dances that they did for the snoopy thingy  my sister wa the girl with the red hair and the  dress but was danciong like different one..i think  it was super funny

then some girls rapped about how cool the rc was :) then we got Rick rolled it was funny though because the guy and girl that did it started like this " okay we just now decided to do his and we botharen't really musically talent so we will make mistakes and note that I said that we will make mistakes and we picked a song that most represents  our time here at RC" . then he started to play the ukele and he would mess up a little bit and they started to sing somewhere over the rainbow REALLY BADLY then he said (cause he had on his graduation cap,gown and cords) " okay I can't like play with this these on am i allowed to take them off" and the girl was all  "yeah me too", and stuff. and then they turned around and took off all their stuff and we got rick rolled and in case you dont know what that is here yu go :  and such and they were really good and the girl was wearing this really slinky dress that was all multicolored my sister was friends with both of them. :)

Then there were some really good poems.

someone told a joke : what is a fish with no eyes ....fsh

and so did another person did too: tere are theree types of people in the world the one who can count and the  ones who can't

One guy went up there and was all " okay we all know how in third grade when we find out how to make farting noises in the crevice of our elbow and its just the greatest thing ever " then he demonstrated "I want all of you guys to the luodest farting noise with me as you can"  and everyone did. it was AWESOME!!!!!

so when all that was  over we got to walk in a big parade with all theRC grads and stuff and they were holding up these abboo like things with streamers on them ,  and waving them around and someone decided it would be better if we were in the street  so we blocked off traffic . :P that was fun too.  and we walked up to the little recession thingy majig and we ate some little cheescakes and fruit and small cups of punch and we had hummus and pita bread stuff and then when we were done chatting with the rench teacher head of something we sat for a minute then we went to pizza house. And we took a while ordering and my brother got a bacon cheeseburger and my parents and sister were gunna split a pizza and i got three cheese nachos and when they brought e'm out i was like whoa. it was as big as the pizza so we all had some except rtistan he doesn't like veggies, or anything green .  and we all had fun and they ahd little UofM mints I got one :) and we packed up our stuff. and walked back to alex's house we hugged and stuff and talked to her friends  and stuff for a while then we left. When I got in the car i opened my bok a read I was distracted after we were about half way home by my dad saying '"da*n rain" and it was only moments after that when my window was getting pelted by rocks and this black material (there was only a little bit of black material) and stuff and my dad got us all pulled off to the side of the road. and we got out o' the car and saw we had a flat now thattire wasJACKED UP!!!!!!!1 and it took forever to get it off because it was all corroded onto the car it took a while to crack it loose but my bro and dad got it off and the put the spare on the car. THANK BOB WE HAD A SPARE !!!!!  It was REALLY COLD!!! I got pelted with sand and rocks when a semi went by and we got a move on and I read all the way home la la la la la happy ever till now

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