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Thursday, May 13

Team , Meet Failure

So yesterdays track meet was okay we did better than normal it was 80 to 35 we got 35. Which surprisingly IS better than we normally do one time we got 10 ! but our team is really small and the kids on the team barely run oh WAIT noooo SOME of the kids on the team barwely run ! like this one girl Lachune (that s right im pointing you out bc you deserve it you CHEATER)  she complains about running 200 meter dashes and walks the whole way to the track AND the arm up lap and does like 1/3 of the ACTUal workout we do for practices and at practice on tuesday we had to go up 3 flights of stairs and back down then up and down and up and down for like 2:00 (AND i'm tellin ya sounds easy till ya gotta do it) well she just HAD to go with cassandra  who isnt very fast. well she ran halfway up and waited for cassandra to go all the way up and when cassandra reached the top she would go back down to make it look like she did m ore and she was faster when really she SUCKED!!!!! we need to KICK HER OFF THE TEAM!!!!!!  and so we ran and she complained and I went to my blog... ON MY FRIEND"S TOUCH SCREEN PHOINE!!!!!!!!! it doesn't even haveREAL buttons or nothin ,!!!!!! it was VERY cold at the meet it sprinkled a tiny itty bitty bit. and it was a lot of FUN!!! I was gunna run a 1600 meter relay, a 3200 meter relay and an 800. BUT!!!! my friend Malahni walked off with her padreand i was all YES THANK YOU I LOVE YOU NOW WE DON'T HAVE TO RUN THE 3200 METER RELAY!!!!! t i didn't kniow she was also in the 1600 m. relay and kirsten got someone to fill on for the 3200 m relay  and I was al KIRSTEN WHY!!!!! and if she hadn't done that SHE could've filled in for Malahni amd i could've run my 400 par4t :( GRRRRR
that was the short story
srryyyy bout the gramar

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