here John
the different covers to Paper towns

and this is where margo is : ) SUPER SPOILER
(and because I'm so darn lazy I stole someone elses)
Book Summary
Quentin lives next door to Margo, the amazing, vibrant, wickedly sophisticated teen goddess of his town, with whom he has been in love since they were in elementary school. But in high school she has mostly ignored him. Then she shows up at his window a few weeks before graduation to lead him on a night-long series of payback pranks, after which she disappears. Worried that she may have committed suicide, Quentin obsessively pursues clues he thinks she has left him, involving Woody Guthrie, Walt Whitman, and nonexistent towns that are either failed developments or copyright traps on maps.Is It Any Good?
With his third book, author John Green seems to be developing a specialty -- thoughtful, talky stories about smart but clueless high-school boys trying to figure out girls, love, and life while dealing with a crisis and a roadtrip. The key to their success is vivid and engaging characters, both major and secondary, who are trying to figure it all out. But in this one, with Margo AWOL for much of the book, and Quentin obsessively trying to figure out what happened to her, it falls to his friends both to support him, and to provide the reader with the humor and pure joie de vivre that makes the book fun as well as thoughtful.Primarily it falls to Radar and Ben, Quentin's two best friends, both band geeks (Quentin isn't even a band geek -- he's a band geek hanger-on). Ben is obsessed with Prom, thrilled to have a date, and likes to think of himself as retro-cool (he refers to girls as honeybunnies, and Quentin is unable to convince him that it's not cool, it's just dorky). Radar is a fanatical editor of a Wikipedia-like site, and his parents have the world's second largest collection of black Santas. Together with Quentin, they're a pretty sweet group of teens.
And this is how I spen d my time
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