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Doctor Who

Friday, May 28


To day was SuPeR fun !!!!!! so heres how my day went

1st hour- Since all the other good players was on M.I. P more than half the class was gone. We had a sub. Well apparently she was some sort of physic or something and she was reading peoples auras or telling their future of something. We had a final to take oint hat class so I was doing it and I had like half of it done - it was just copying stuff- and then I went over and worked on this flower I was drawing. The directions that were left for the sub said that whomever had passed all of their playing quizez could work on homework or read a book or whatevs. I just drew and I would get back to my quizzy thing. Well she came over and was all "are you done with your quiz and yadaya da yada "

but later I got uop to sharpen my pencilular devicing utensil and then she did that thing you know ehere thet call you over and shewas all " i see great potential and a lot of talent. yiou have soooo much potential and no matter who you are with just remember that youhave such great potentaikl' and I quick got to my seat cause I was super weirded out. but since I am in the front row shes like four ft. away.

2nd hour- I moved and sat near delaney and drew some more. we played like 5 games of M*A*S*H

3rd hour- we watched a movie and I talked to isis a lot and Tony and the guys played my MASH game. TOny lives ina SHACK AGH HA HAHAHAHAHA that was funny.

4th hour- we read Freak the mighty and dissedcted every little meaning in everything, I mean seriously even the author didn't have a 50 word list describing two of the characters JEEZ

5th hourwe watched kung fu panda

6th hour- we had i pg of notes a super easy assignment we shoved uno cards down delaneys shirt and other fun stuff


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