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Doctor Who

Sunday, May 30

I found this and thought it was funny

What the fuck is this shit with people only texting you back with one letter, such as “k”? I know text messaging isn’t the best way to have a deep or personal conversation with someone, but what the fuck? I’ll send you a two page long text about something that happened between us, or something important, or ANYTHING and you’ll respond “k” or “:)”. YOU HAVE A PHONE WITH A FULL FUCKING KEYBOARD AND YOU CAN’T EVEN PUT AN “O” IN FRONT OF THE “K”? Who the fuck do you think you are? I take the time out of my day to message you with something funny or meaningful and you just decide to be a douchebag. It’s not like I’m annoying, and I text you all the time, nor does my text warrant a one letter, or even one word, response. If you don’t want to talk, just say so assbag!

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