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Doctor Who

Saturday, May 29

Kristina the Other Me

For those of you who have ya know... lived in a hole your whole life and don't know who Kristina Horner or the Five awesome girls or vlogbrothers are...... here are some links  : ) 
Five Awesome Girls:
Kristina Horner :

Okay so back to the reasoning of the title. I swear Kristina Horner is the other Hannah. We like all the same stuff. We totally are both at least a little too attached to harry potter  (but if you're us you SOOO don't see it that way) We both blog, love Dr. horrible. and all SORTS of other things !!!! Its kinda scary O_o . but theres one BIG difference well she can sing and is a more rock like band and I can play clarinet and am in a concert band. anyways I just thought that was somewhat scary that people that are like 8 years older than me are more like me than my friends or anyone I know really.NANOWRIMO!!!!!
 woot woot 

whos your other?


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