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Doctor Who

Sunday, July 18


For those of you who do not know that i have no cable, i have no cable. and so I can't watch all of those good shows on nick and such so I hacve to watch them from hulu.So I am watching a whole bunch of the icarly shopws. Not to mwentuion I'm writing all of this during commecials. but I just finished watching  i saved your life one and yeah i know im late. but I thought the ultimate assasin thing was halarious. I couldn't stop laughing on the inside.
and I JUSt finished the ibeat the heat.It was kinda pointless. I didn't find it too funny when they said she wasn't a giagantic monster then they did that thing with  the utopian village,. I was just flabbergasted at how unorginal it was.

but other than that Im on the com. and mom had set up this fan and oh my. this is phenominal its like a table fgan and it is very efficient. did I mention that I also dont have Air conditioning>?/  anyhooooo theres not much goibng on around here, I would be going to staoles to get school supplies except my mother is somewhat sicken and my father took the car. He can't take it tomorrow though. cause I got places to be

Im so bored im blogging about going to get school supplies
Pencil to paper Fingers to ketys

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