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Doctor Who

Thursday, July 8

my name is:Hannah
this morning i was:Hot and sweaty
im afraid of:dementors and big bugs
i dream about:the future

Have You Ever...

been in love:nope
cried when someone died:of course.
flowers or candy:CANDY!

tall or short:either or 

With The Opposite Sex...

what do you notice first?:Whether they are tall or short!
last person you slow danced with:me? dance? 0.O I don't think so
worst question to ask:this question


makes you laugh the most?:my friends
makes you smile:everyone has the ability to make me smile
gives you a funny feeling when you see them:people who i dislike such as scott
is easier talk to: boys or girls?:girls.

Do You Ever...

sit on the internet waiting for someone special to IM you?:nope.
save AIM conversations?:never
wish you were a member of the opposite sex?:never wished
cry because of something someone has said:no.

Have You Ever...

fallen for your best friend?:no. 
rejected someone:yes...multiple times.
cheated on someone:no
been cheated on:no
done something you regretted:yup.. but what can i do about it? hehe NOTHING.
wanted to die:no, i love my life.

Who Was The Last Person...

you talked to on the phone:my g-ma
hugged:my dog, person.... I don't give hugs.
you instant messaged:Catherine H. of
you laughed with:IDK I laugh too much

Do You...

color your hair:fingers crossed for the red !
ever get off the computer:not if I dont have to
habla espanol:a little bit 
sprechen sie deutsches:<--- not that much
fight with your parents:fight no argue all the time!
have friends you've lost touch with:sort of
feel happy?:THATS WHAT THATS CALLED?!?!?!?!
wish you could fly away.. far, far away?:if I had a good camera around my neck HECK YES
believe in God?:No.
could you live without the computer?:I KNOW i can
what's your favorite candy?:the kind you eat
whats your favorite fruit?:the kind you chew and swallow 
sunrise or sunset?:sunset
what hurts the most? physical pain or emotional pain?physical pain
trust others way too easily?:sometimes
are your fingers cold?:used to right up til i told people I was a vampire now, no
coke or pepsi:gotta pack of mentos

Final Questions...

I want:a really good camera
I wish:I could spend all day every day with my friends
I love:music
I miss:emily/Alexis e.
I fear:Giant bugs
I hear:music everywhere
I smell:summertime air
I wonder:
pencil to paper fingers to keys,
who's reading this...........

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