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Doctor Who

Friday, July 2

Eclipse Midnight Release

 So Delaney had been planning this for about a month or maybe a month and a half I'm not sure. Well okay on the 28th Delaney and I went to an Eclipse party at the capital area library. We got there and were like "oh man where do we go. Then someone at a desk (looking very official) told us it was downstairs. We went downstairs and TA DA Delaney found the room when we first got there we had no Idea what we were supposed to do so we sat and talked while they were trying to figure out a powerpoint after a minute or five we got up (there were a lot more people there now) and went and sat at the vampire necklace making table. we sat and got to work when someone started slapping me on the shoulder I looked over and it was Abby And we were all like Hi and stuff. and then I saw Alana and I was like oh man (HUG) nice to sees you OMG!!!!!! and thing is NOBODY likes Abby. and we were talking and this is how the conversation went
H: so are you going to the midnight Showing
A: Yeah I'm getting the Tickets tonight
H: well I bet its probably sold out cause Delaney got our tickets a few weeks ago and they were almost sold out
A: oh well that sucks

and we did a trivia Delaney and I got like a D- it was bad and we made team Edward  heart things and I did a wordfind real fast. and then Delaney was leaving and then she came back down and was  like my dad wants to know if you want a ride I was al "SUre" but they're doing the wordfind drawings RIGHT NOW can't we wait a minute. Delaney said YEAH and then The first two were Alana and someone then I was like ya know what I;m outta here and was gonna say lets go when she said okay two more drawings for the wordfinds left and I was like ya know what whatever. I went back I stood there and they drew one. they were all squinting at it trying to figure it out I got all excited inside and stuff cause I knew it would be mine and they were like Hannah Flagg and I almost did a Jig, almost. There were 2 key chains left,=. I chose the one that had team Edward on it and then a little Cullen crest. the other one was just a fork high school one.

THEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!! They got to my house the next day at about INSERT TIME HERE ish and we talked looked at bouncy ball collections and stuff we tried to watch the first movie but kinda gave up on that. and when it was like elvenish WE LEFT DUH DUH DUH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and when we got there the two lines at the front of the movie theater almost touched eachother in the back of the builinding. we should have left earlier!!!!!!!!!!!and then we were running up to people and taping them and asking them what team they wee on. it was VERY fun then we watched the movie AH HAHAHAH NO,. actuakly we FINALLY got in after like an hour of standing and then the booth guy said " all the thetres are playing it just pick one thats empty and we went to thetre eleven of course the first people we run into are abby her littlwe sister (WHAT THE FUDGE SHES LIKE 8 YEARS OLD!!!!)  and mikayla so we moved thetres.
THEn we watched the movie I will not hint at anything or tell you about the movie so you can go see it for yourself

Pencil to Paper, Fingers to keys,

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