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Doctor Who

Friday, June 25

35 Awesome facebook Statuses

  1. ...Draw a line. Live above it.
  2. if you don't like my status, don't read it! problem solved!
  3. Hillary, Biden and Obama were on a donkey, at the edge of a cliff.The donkey got spooked and jumped off the cliff.Who was saved?              America!
  4. you cry,i cry,you smile,i smile,you laugh,i laugh,you jump off a bridge,I LAUGH EVEN HARDER!!
  5. Would you rather I lie to you and make you happy or tell you the truth so the problem can be fixed? Think about it.
  6. The purple monkey in my closet just stole my Twinkies and the little elf that lives in my shoe box stole my juice box i think i need to get some new roommates
  7. You can either live your life to the fullest, or be the victim!! Preferably I am going to live my life to the fullest. I wouldn't waste my time being a victim.
  8. when i was born, my parents called me an angel! but then the devil saw me and said,"o crap... i have a competition!"
  9. brb goin cow tippin in farmville... better lock ur fences...
  10. is tired and ready for bed.. wait, i just woke up though.. CRAP!
  11. loves Karma...I've been paid back. Now just watching it come around to those who haven't!
  12. You think the wicked witch of the west was bad? You have yet to meet the evil bitch from the south!
  13. I'm not here right now and I regret to say that due to unforeseen circumstances, later has been canceled
  14. It's called the "Ten Commandments", not the "Ten Suggestions"
  15. see who can leave me the coolest comment!! Will it be you??
  16. If a fat lady falls down in the forest do the trees laugh?
  17. what do you mean, what do I mean? I mean what I mean and that means that I mean it! Gosh!
  18. Clear blue sky, to complete overcast...  then it Rains... oh wait... now it's snowing... Look the sun is out! All in one day!  Mother Nature must be bi-polar!
  19. says a Friend would bail u out of jail, but a best friend would be sitting next to u saying Damn we sure messed up but it was fun!!
  20. wonders why old people tap you on the shoulder at weddings or births to tell you "you're next!" How'd they feel if we did that to them at funerals?!
  21. well call me butter cuz I'm on a roll!
  22. is wondering, hypothetically speaking of course, if the need should arise where is the best place to hide a body?
  23. I will be good today... I will be good today... I will be good today!!  Yeah, I didn't believe it either.
  24. if you watch Jaws backwards, it's about a shark that throws up people until they are forced to open a beach.
  25. Do u ever just wanna smack people & tell them 2 quit feelin sorry 4 themselves & quit whining?
  26. WARNING! Patience meter has reached maximum capacity.  Critical shut down commencing in t-minus 5 hours and counting...
  27. just a question   do catfish have nine lives?
  28. "NEWSFLASH" My world don't revolve around your opinion! Sorry to break it to you!
  29. is in a mental hospital & found this little room with a computer in it, so just leave me alone, damit
  30. says "OH MY GOD"  If STUPIDITY was painful, you would be on pain killers 24/7!!
  31. I can guarantee when the music finally stops, I'm not going to be the one without a chair!
  32. wonder how many people can go a week without Facebook
  33. is very very good in bed... I can take 6-8 hours easy, even though I only get 2-3 if I am real lucky... Sleep!  Dirty Minded Friends... lol
  34. Says ~ I'm not one for "getting even" or "revenge" but sure as shit, somewhere, sometime I WILL repay the favor, WITH INTEREST. Have a nice day  :-)
  35. has had my kindness mistaken for weakness for the last time.  Anyone willing to challenge that, try me. You won't like the new me and I could care less!!!
Status to face book, fingers to keys 

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