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Doctor Who

Friday, June 11


     So It's summer everything anyone has ever wanted top do can be achieved. But heres the thing I cannot remember anything special that happened on ANY of my summers other than lasy year I went to Delaney's birthday paerty and thats all I can remember. SO I am planning to make this the best most memorable summer ever. i ahave signed up for races, planned a few parties, made dates just for hanging out, made a list of books to read,and  made a list of things I want to learn how to do. This is NOT going to be a summer where I sit around the house doing nothing I will only be able to say "I'm bored" ten times this summer (thats the rules ) and all sorts of stuff

1 comment:

  1. It's summer for you already?? I have another like, five or six weeks until mine :)


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