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Thursday, June 17

Calligraphy attempt

     so the report card came in today all my grades went down except for two. :( those 2 grades went up. So I got 2 books or something like that so whatevs. We went to the bookstore and I got a calligraphy set. It came with a bamboo pen, a calligrphy oen, 3 b=nibs, and a reservior. WEll it took us like 15 minutes to figure out how to get the resevoir onto the nib. First I tried and was super confused and then my mother took a look at it (her having had a set before and all ) and she couldn't figure it out either. Then my dad looked at it slid the reservoir onto the nib pushed the nib into the oen and everythinglined uop . He did the smarty pants dance. Then when I tried to write with it the reservoir wasn't working. It ran out after the first stroke (it should last about 3-5 letters at my size od stroke). So my dad had put it on wrong. I wrote with it anyways. I wrote smile twice before my mother told me I was holding the oen wrong. ( my dad said to hold it that way ) then I figured I should really work out my reservoir  or I'm going to run out of ink fast.  and so I spent awhile trying to figure out how to get the reservoir onto it. BUT!!!!! I forgot to rinse it off so my fingers and my pen turned red  :( then I showed my mother my mistake about niot rinsing it off and she made me  put it away before I touched anything. HELLOOOOOOOO i'm not six I KNOw not to touch the oh so precious table.
So now I am wrirting about my suckish attemp at calligraphy I think I will try it every monday and wenesday. esh thats good.

pen to parchment, fingers to keys

~ <--------------see that squiggly I can write that squiggly oh yeahhhhhhh

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