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Doctor Who

Wednesday, June 9

Frogs, Freaks, and Tests.

     Yesterday and the day before my science class were dissecting frogs. The guys were the squeamish one that were freaking out. So on the first day I dissected with Alexis and sort of not really Delaney (her name was on our tag) and it was fun. we had to take out its tongue and take of its skin in certain places. It smelled SO BAD in that room compared to the hallway. It was strange compared to the squid we dissected. With the squid the smell seemed to go away after a couple of minutes but you never stop smelling the frog. But I won't go into further detail because I know there could be a reader that really DOES NOT want to hear about it. 
     As for tests i would like to say" what makes teachers want to slam us with tests  right before the end of school?" We had a test in English class and math class we've had like 4 tests in the past like 6 days.!!! or at least it felt that way. 
     Next piece: freaks. We are watching Freak the Mighty in English class today. and the strange thing is we read the book and I'm reading a book called geektastic. where there a thing that says "freak the Geek" (john green) and Its so strange it seems to show up everywhere. .-.


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