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Doctor Who

Sunday, June 13


     So I went over to Cassandr's house yesterday for her birthday party. it was really fun. When I got there I was like the 3rd person there so we had to wait for what felt like EVER for Malahni and Mariah to show up and when they did we went over to cassandra's grandmothers house where we swam, pet the horses, and ran on the treadmill. We took pictures as we jumped into the pool . It was super fun. Then we had hamburgers and went in the pool again then we had cake and ice-cream and went in the pool again. When we got back to cassandra's house we wereon facebook for a while and suches then we had to get of the computer so we were all just kinda sittin there and talking and eating crispy bagel and I was soooo tired I just fell right asleep and apparently I was twitching at all the scarypaerts in the movie (but I WAS SLEEPING ) i knew I was moving a LOt becauseI kept waking up but like when i woke up all refreshed and stuff it was the end of a different movie . called ferris bueller's day off site: and everyone fell asleep and I was like *scoff* SERIOUSLY! then I went back to sleep and Breanna and I woke up first and when we were all woked up mariah took a shower and breanna sang songs about kamyab being a terrorist blowing up the local walkmart and striped sweaters and other rthings.
It was REALLY fun
P.S. I dont feel like going through and fixing this so y ou can figger it out : P

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