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Doctor Who

Saturday, June 19

Pow Wow

     So the family and I just got back from the Pow Wow today. Its was really fun. So heres how we came upon this: I was bike riding trying to find oput the correct way to the fish ladder I went all the way down past potter park. then I turned around and went home that about 6-7 miles (according to my dad) Then when I finally got home I took off my shoes and was all tired for about three minutes.. when those three minutes were over I asked if my dad would take me down to the fish ladder. Turns out I went the wrong direction. Well on our way to the fish ladder we found there was a whole bunch of tents popped up and some guy was auctioning off some stuff. Well on our way back we stopped took a quick look around mumbled on how my m other would like to com,e here. So we went home ate dinner and went back. We walked around a bit. I bought some stuff: I got a wolf charm, a bear claw necklace, a peace necklace, and a turquoise flame ring. We might go back tomorrow in witch caseI will buy a mood ring : ) we got some fry bread too. We now call them oil balls. My dad is the only one who finished his. My brother didn't feel like going. I;m finishing my fry bread right now . mmmm oil : ) I saw this person there (she was a mother) wearing a black shirt and I was like oh cool shirt I like that little swirly wolf on the back near the neck, i kepot looking around. i snapped my head back and was all "woahhhhhh thats the new moon shirt that i own !!!!!" I tried to show my mother but it was hard because I couldn't point because thats rude.  the dancers and the songs and things were really cool we didn't get to see any jingle dancers people  : ( I htink they are oding that tomorrow in which case we will be going again.  : ) they take your cameras and dispose of your film if you take pictures. :0 especially during the honorable dances.

pencil to paper, fingers to keys

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